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Sant’Anna School and Lombardia Region Authority organized a conference on March 27 in Milan to discuss how Environmental Footprint and Made in Italy can contribute to economic growth

Publication date: 15.03.2018
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The conference titled “Made in Italy e impronta ambientale: un connubio vincente per la competitività” is organized by Sant’Anna School Institute of Management and Regione Lombardia authority, at “sala Gaber” - Palazzo Pirelli, via Fabio Filzi 22, Milan, on Tuesday, March 27. As part of the EFFIGE - “T.R.A.C.C.I.A” (Tavolo Regionale per Accrescere la Competitività Con l’Impronta Ambientale) project funded by EU LIFE program “Environmental Footprint for Improving and Growing Eco-efficiency”, the conference gathers developers, professionals and industry representatives to discuss how to maximize recycle technologies and waste management in a green economy.

The focus is on the “Made Green in Italy” initiative through sustainable production, energy efficiency strategies, and the ecosystem that would make better use of materials through design for durability and remanufacturing, creating a more sustainable long-term platform.

The European EFFIGE project will assess manufacturing companies’ environmental impact. The assessment will cover Italian eco-products, eco-competitiveness of Italian small and medium enterprises and their environmental performance, environmental impacts generated during products life cycle.

The EFFIGE project, adopting the 2013/179/EU Commission Recommendation on the use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of products and organizations, calculates the companies PEF “Product Environmental Footprint”.

Conference participants should write to the Registration Desk ( specifying details and requested data.