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Sensorized platform for the development and monitoring of an infant's psychomotor growth

  • Filing date:
  • Status: disponibile a cessione o licenza
  • Patent type: Brevetti
  • Priority Number: 102016000036049
  • Subject University
  • Technologic Area: Biomedical
  • Inventors: Francesca Cecchi, Francesco Paolo Falotico, Paolo Dario, Cecilia Laschi, Irene Mannari, Giovanni Passetti, Andrea Pratesi

CareToy is a modular smart «toy gym» for domestic use of premature babies. It consists of an enriched stimulating environment able to provide many stimuli to the baby (lights, colours and videos) in 360° and able to record the feedback (activity of the baby) thanks to many sensors ( pressure, strenght and movement) and to a webcam...other