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Enhancing international and social media communication: welcome to the official SantAnnaPisa Twitter in English to tell about advanced training and research in one of the top 10 best young universities in the world

Publication date: 12.05.2016
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A new Twitter account to tell the world the challenges and successes, the life of one of the ten best young universities in the world, according to the British Times Higher Education magazine. Communication #social of Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies of Pisa is expanding and wants to talk to the world more than ever, contributing to the internationalization dimension of the School research and training activities. From today on, the English-speaking Twitter account @SantAnnaPisa is active, it joins the consolidated @ScuolaSantAnna (characterized by "tweets" posted in Italian) and other different information and institutional communication tools.

Also the new @SantAnnaPisa will make extensive use of images, video, additional and new contents, to explain, in a global perspective, the role of higher education and advanced research in Italy,  to convey in words and multimedia tools the essence of Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies which, since its foundation,  is committed to recognizing and rewarding  talent and merit

"The goal of effective communication - rector Pierdomenico Perata said - is crucial to our 'brand' consolidation, in the wake of the continued rise of the School in universities international rankings. The new Twitter account will have two main targets: teachers and researchers of the most prestigious academic institutions also maintaining Sant'Anna School academic accreditation and prospective students for Ph.D. and Master’s programs".

In the internationalization of communication activities perspective, the School also enabled the international version, in English, of Sant'Anna online magazine published on official website, available here.