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Publications in Refereed Journals (after 2010)

-----------------------------2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------

I. Toccafondo, T. Nannipieri, A. Signorini, E. Guillermain, J. Kuhnhenn, M. Brugger and F. Di Pasquale, “Raman Distributed Temperature Measurement at CERN High energy AcceleRator Mixed field facility (CHARM)”, to be published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

F. Gambini, S. Faralli, P. Pintus, N. Andriolli, and I. Cerutti, “BER evaluation of a low-crosstalk silicon integrated multi-microring network-on-chip,” Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 17169-17178, Mar. 2015.

-----------------------------2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------

M. Taki, Y. Muanenda, I. Toccafondo, A. Signorini, T. Nannipieri and F. Di Pasquale, “Optimized Hybrid Raman/Fast-BOTDA Sensor for Temperature and Strain Measurements in Large Infrastructures”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, No. 12, Dec 2014.

M. Taki, Y. Muanenda and F. Di Pasquale, “Long-Range Accelerated BOTDA Sensor Using Adaptive Linear Prediction and Cyclic Coding”, September 15, 2014 / Vol. 39, No. 18 / Optics Letters.

M. Taki, M.A. Soto, F. Di Pasquale, G. Bolognini, “Differential Pulse-Width Pair Brillouin Optical Time-Domain Analysis Employing Raman Amplification and Optical Pulse Coding”, Sensors and Microsystems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 268, 2014, pp. 251-254, Springer International Publishing.

P. Pintus, “Accurate vectorial finite element mode solver for magneto-optic and anisotropic waveguides,” Optics Express, vol. 22, pp 15737-15756, June 2014.

P. Pintus, P. Contu, P. G. Raponi, I. Cerutti, N. Andriolli, “Silicon-based all-optical multi microring (MMR) network-on-chip,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 797-800, Feb. 2014.

J. Matres, G. Ballesteros, S. Mas, A. Brimont, P. Sanchis, J. Marti, and C. J. Oton. "Optical phase characterization of photonic integrated devices." IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electr. 20 (4) pp. 417-421 (2014).

-----------------------------2013 --------------------------------------------------------------------

M. Taki, A. Signorini, C. J. Oton, T. Nannipieri, F. Di Pasquale, “Hybrid Raman/BOTDA Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors based on Cyclic Pulse Coding”, Optics Letters Vol. 38, Iss. 20, pp. 4162–4165 (2013).

P. Pintus, P. Contu, N. Andriolli, A. D’Errico, F. Di Pasquale, F. Testa, "Analysis and Design of Micro-Ring Based Switching Elements in a Silicon Photonic Integrated Transponder Aggregator", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Special Issue on Optical Interconnects, vol. 31, no. 24, Dec. 15, 2013.

P. Pintus, N. Andriolli, F. Di Pasquale, J. E. Bowers “Bidirectional Crosstalk and Back-reflection Free WDM Active Optical Interconnects”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 25, Issue 20, pp. 1973 - 1976 , 2013

M. Taki, Y. Muanenda, C. J. Oton, T. Nannipieri, A. Signorini, F. Di Pasquale, “Cyclic Pulse Coding for Fast BOTDA Fiber Sensors”, Optics Letters Vol. 38, Iss. 15, pp. 2877–2880 (2013).

M. Taki, M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Study of Raman amplification in DPP-BOTDA sensing employing Simplex coding for sub-meter scale spatial resolution over long fiber distances”, Measurement Science and Technology, Volume 24, Issue 9, article id. 094018 (2013).

Md. S. M. Sher, P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, “Numerical study of novel high-index-contrast Er:LiNbO3 photonic wire lasers optically pumped at 980nm”, Applied Optics Vol. 52, Iss. 19, pp. 4438–4445 (2013).

G. Kurczveil, P. Pintus, M.J.R. Heck J.D. Peters, and J.E. Bowers, “Characterization of insertion loss and back reflection in passive hybrid silicon tapers,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 5, pp. 6600410, April 2013.

P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, J.E. Bowers, “Integrated TE and TM optical circulators on ultra-low-loss silicon nitride platform”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 5041-5052 (2013).

J. Matres, G. C. Ballesteros, P. Gautier, J. M. Fédéli, J. Martí, C. J. Oton, “High nonlinear figure-of-merit amorphous silicon waveguides”, Opt. Express 21 (4) 3932-3940 (2013).

F. Lahoz, C. J. Oton, D. López, J. Marrero-Alonso, A. Boto, and M. Díaz. "High efficiency amplified spontaneous emission from a fluorescent anticancer drug–dye complex." Organic Electronics 14, (5) pp. 1225-1230 (2013).

F. Zaidi, T. Nannipieri, A. Signorini, M. Taki, V. Donzella, F. Di Pasquale, “High Performance Time Domain FBG Dynamic Interrogation Scheme Based on Pulse Coding”, IEEE Photonic Tech. Letters, Vol. 25, Issue 5, March.1, 2013.

M. Taki, F. Zaidi, I. Toccafondo, T. Nannipieri, A. Signorini, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, “High performance hybrid Raman/FBG fiber optic sensor based on Simplex cyclic pulse coding”, February 15, 2013 / Vol. 38, No. 4 / Optics Letters.

-----------------------------2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------

M. Taki, T. Nannipieri, F. Zaidi, A. Signorini, F. Di Pasquale, 'Hybrid Optical Fiber Sensor for Simultaneous Dynamic FBG Interrogation and Distributed Static Strain/Temperature Measurements', Electronics Letters, Volume 48, issue 24, 22 November 2012, p. 1548 – 1550.

I. Toccafondo, M. Taki, A. Signorini, F. Zaidi, T. Nannipieri, S. Faralli, and F. Di Pasquale, “Hybrid Raman/FBG Sensor for Distributed Temperature and Discrete Dynamic Strain Measurements”, Optics Letters, Vol. 37 Issue 21, pp.4434-4436 (2012).

F. Zaidi, T. Nannipieri, M.A. Soto, A. Signorini, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Integrated Raman/FBG interrogation scheme for distributed temperature and point dynamic strain measurements”, Applied Optics, Vol. 51 Issue 30, pp.7268-7275 (2012).

F. Lahoz, C. J. Oton, D. López, J. Marrero-Alonso, A. Boto, M. Díaz, “Whispering gallery mode laser based on antitumor drug–dye complex gain medium”, Optics Letters 37 (22) pp. 4756-4758 (2012).

M. A. Soto, M. Taki, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Simplex-Coded BOTDA Sensor Over 120 km SMF with 1 m Spatial Resolution Assisted by Optimized Bidirectional Raman Amplification”, IEEE Photonic Tech. Letters, Vol. 24, Issue 20, Oct.15, 2012.

M. A. Soto, M. Taki, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Optimization of a DPP-BOTDA sensor with 25 cm spatial resolution over 60 km standard single-mode fiber using Simplex codes and optical pre-amplification, 26 March 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 7 / OPTICS EXPRESS 6860.

M.A. Soto, A. Signorini, T. Nannipieri, S. Faralli, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Impact of Loss variations on Double-Ended Distributed Temperature Sensors Based on Raman Anti-Stokes Signal Only”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30, No. 8, April 15, 2012, invited paper.

-----------------------------2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------

P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, J.E. Bowers, “Design of TE ring isolators for ultra low loss Si3N4 waveguides based on the finite element method”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36 Issue 23, pp.4599-4601, December 1, (2011).

P. Pintus, M.-C. Tien, and J. E. Bowers, “Design of magneto-optical ring isolator on SOI based on the finite element method”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, pp. 1670-1672, November 2011.

M.-C. Tien, T. Mizumoto, P. Pintus, H. Kroemer, and J. E. Bowers, “Silicon ring isolators with bonded nonreciprocal magneto-optic garnets,” Optics Express, vol. 19, pp 11740-11745, June 2011.

M.A. Soto, T. Nannipieri, A. Signorini, A. Lazzeri, F. Baronti, R. Roncella, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Raman-based distributed temperature sensor with 1 m spatial resolution over 26 km SMF using low-repetition-rate cyclic pulse coding”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Issue 13, pp. 2557-2559 (2011) .

P. Pintus, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, “Integrated 2.8 µm laser source Al2O3:Er3+ slot waveguide on SOI”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp.1206-1212, 2011.

S. M. Sher, P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, M. Bianconi, G. B. Montanari, P. De Nicola, S. Sugliani, G. Prati, “Design of 980nm-Pumped Waveguide Laser for Continuous Wave Operation in Ion Implanted Er:LiNbO3”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 526-533.

M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Optimization of long-range BOTDA sensors with high resolution using first-order bi-directional Raman amplification”, 28 February 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 5 / Optics Express 4444.

M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Long-range Simplex coded BOTDA sensors over 120 km, distance employing optical pre-amplification”, Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 2, January 15, 2011.

-----------------------------2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------

P. Pintus, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, “Low Threshold Pump Power and High Integration in Al2O3:Er3+ Slot Waveguide Lasers on SOI”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No. 19, October 2010.

G. Bolognini, M. A. Soto, F. Di Pasquale, “Simultaneous distributed strain and temperature sensing based on combined Raman and Brillouin scattering using Fabry-Pérot lasers”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010) 094025 (8pp).

M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale “Long-range Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensor employing pulse coding techniques”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010) 094024 (7pp).

F. Baronti, A. Lazzeri, R. Roncella, R. Saletti, A. Signorini, M.A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “SNR enhancement of Raman–based long–range distributed temperature sensors using cyclic Simplex codes”, Electronics Letters, 19th August 2010 Vol. 46 No. 17.

V. Donzella, V. Toccafondo, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, C. Cassagnettes, D. Barbier, and H. Hernandez Figueroa, “Ion-exchanged Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped waveguide amplifiers longitudinally pumped by broad area lasers”, Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 12, pp. 12690-12701 (2010).

M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, “Analysis of pulse modulation format in coded BOTDA sensors”, 5 July 2010 / Vol. 18, No. 14 / Optics Express 14878.

M. A. Soto, G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, L. Thévenaz, “50-km Simplex-coded BOTDA sensor for distributed strain and temperature measurements with 1 m spatial resolution”, January 15, 2010 / Vol. 35, No. 2/ Optics Letters