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International protection and rights of minors in the European Union

  • Area tematica Diritto, welfare & public management
  • Scadenza iscrizione 16.11.2020
  • Periodo di svolgimento -
  • Crediti CFU 2
  • Ore formazione 40
  • Numero massimo di partecipanti 40
  • Quota iscrizione € 200,00. Exemption from enrolment fees for No. 5 foreign students who are refugees or subsidiary protection holders

The intensive training Course “International protection and rights of minors in the European Union” is organized in the framework of the three-year Jean Monnet Module MARS “Migration, Asylum and Rights of Minors”.

Participants will be trained to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the legal discipline of international protection and of the rights of minors in the European Union, including the most relevant International Covenants, EU Directives and the current issues and trends.

The first session of 25-28 November 2020 is aimed at analysing the legislative framework, focusing on the access to the international procedure and the right to an effective remedy. The second session of 14-16 January 2021 is aimed to investigate the children’s right to be heard, the credibility assessment in the international protection procedure and the reception of minors who ask for asylum. The third session of 21-23 January 2021 is devoted to the strategic litigation for the protection of minors who apply for asylum in the European Union and to the protection of minors against trafficking and smuggling. A specific focus is also devoted to unaccompanied minors.

Trainers are academics and experts from ICJ, UNHCR, ASGI, ECRE, CGUE.