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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS


Publication date: 11.12.2016
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The “Immigration Policy, Employment, Integration” final project conference will take place at Sant’anna School of Advanced Studies, aula magna, on Monday 19th December, 9.15 am. The conference will focus on the implementation of a common European asylum system and practical cooperation among the Member States. EU policies and actions will be presented by academics, institutions representatives and local authorities. Conference participants include Vittorio Bugli, Tuscany Region local government representative in immigration enforcement.

Barbara Henry, professor of political philosophy, director of Global Security and Human Rights Lab. at Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute, will give the welcome speech. Anna Loretoni, professor of political philosophy at Sant’Anna School and Francescomaria Tedesco, researcher of University of Camerino, will give an overview of the latest immigration policy developments in EU.

Presentations are grouped into three sessions; the first will present the cultural and philosophical premises linked to the issues of identity and diversity, with reference to the impact of citizens’ rights, "in view of deconstructing the rhetoric of otherness, taken into account anthropological and cultural dimensions ", say the researchers. The second session is devoted to the analysis of data on global migration, which precedes debates on the Italian situation, also to bring out "the unnecessary and alarmist rhetoric of invasion often arising in Europe because of promoters of hate", emphasized Barbara Henry, Anna Loretoni and Francescomaria Tedesco.

The third part is devoted to the presentation of a survey to identify the primary sources of law and the impact of government immigration policy, focusing on the differences of the “Italian model”. In particular, the experience of four European countries: France, UK, Germany and Sweden will be taken into consideration. The conference speakers will focus on the approach, the procedures and the role of local authorities responsible for immigration and border policy, to reveal the potential presence of racial prejudices against asylum seekers and refugees. "The stages of immigration policy will be analyzed in the light of the deep connections with the identity dimension of asylum seekers who find themselves facing very difficult situation of high uncertainty and insecurity" Barbara Henry, Anna Loretoni and Francescomaria Tedesco conclude.