Call notice date 20.05.2022 Content type: recruitments Call ID: 3363 Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis â“ (SAIS) A Cross-sectoral Blueprint for a Sustainable Process Industry (SPIRE) SPIRE-SAIS Deadline for application submission 06.06.2022
Call notice date 20.05.2022 Content type: recruitments Call ID: 3362 Realizzazione di tecnologie micro-Hypevisor per piattaforme multicore eterogenee Deadline for application submission 06.06.2022
Call notice date 18.05.2022 Content type: recruitments Call ID: 3356 "Steam and gas networks revamping for the steelworks of the future (SMARTER)" Deadline for application submission 01.06.2022
Call notice date 05.04.2022 Content type: recruitments Call ID: 3320 Design of a microwave photonics filer for sensing applications Deadline for application submission 19.04.2022
Call notice date 18.03.2022 Content type: recruitments Call ID: 3293 Sviluppo di software embedded per il supporto a veicoli autonomi Deadline for application submission 01.04.2022