Sant'Anna at a glance

Times Higher Education Young University Ranking 2024
- 1st at the national level on a census of 19 institutions
- 7th at the european level
- 13th at the international level on a census of 673 institutions
Interdiscplinary Science Ranking (ISR) 2025
- 3rd in Italy;
- 49th in the world
The number of publications of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna on Scopus has exceeded 11,500 papers. On average, faculty and researchers publish nearly six products each year. In the 2016-2021 period, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna accumulated 57,428 citations, with an average of 11.1 citations per product and a weighted impact, in terms of citations, (FWCI) of 1.62.
In the WoS database, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna has a portfolio of more than 7,700 scientific products with an H-index value of 137 and an average of 18.27 citations per publication.
Horizon 2020 research projects and SDGs
The graph below represents the activity of the School in terms of research projects under the Horizon 2020 Program in reference to the SDGs, for the period 2014 -2020. Each individual project launched in the reference period has been classified on a minimum of one SDG until a maximum of three SDGs. The School within these projects is mainly engaged on SDG 09 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure" (26%), SDG 03 "Good Health and well-being" (22.1%), SDG 13 "Climate action" (6.5%), SDG 10 "Reduced inequality" (6.5%) and SDG 08 "Decent Work and Economic Growth" (6.5%).