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Seasonal Schools

The Seasonal Schools are training programmes “of excellence”, which are strongly interdisciplinary, and focused on the School’s frontier research topics. They are open to University students enrolled in Bachelor Degree, Masters’ Degree and PhD courses, and who have the same advancement characteristics as the School’s students. The Seasonal Schools are also opportunities for meetings and exchanges with other high-performing students from all over Italy as well as from abroad, to be experienced “inside” our facilities and laboratories.

What the Seasonal Schools are 

The Seasonal Schools have a duration of one week; they are held preferably in English and may be held on-site or online. Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the end of the program after passing a final examination, with full recognition of the credits (CFU) indicated in each call.

They are open primarily to university students enrolled in Bachelor Degree, Masters’ Degree or Master's Diploma who have the same advancement characteristics as the School’s students. The participation of students registered in PhD courses is possible according to the rules indicated in each call.
Candidates eligible for admission are enrolled in an Italian or foreign university and must be on track relative to the examinations required by their educational institutions and with an average examination mark at least equal to 27/30 in the Italian system, or at least B in international system.
Access to Seasonal Schools requires a self-certified knowledge of the teaching language at or above B2 level if students are not mother tongue speakers.

The Seasonal Schools are organized by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and funded with PNRR resources through the MERITA project, which also sees the collaboration of Scuola Normale Superiore di PisaCollegio Superiore dell’Università di BolognaScuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori dell'Università di Padova and Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati della Sapienza di Roma.

How to gain access to the Seasonal Schools 

The Calls for Application contain all the necessary information on how to participate and what documentation is required in order to submit the application online. The costs and methods of payment are indicated in the Calls of the individual Seasonal Schools. Besides attending the lessons, the enrolment fee also includes the study materials, in addition to full board and lodging in the case of on-site courses.
A reduction in the enrolment fee is available based on the applicant’s income. Italian and foreign Universities with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs. Students enrolled at the University of Pisa who do not need accommodation, are granted a reduction of 40%. A 450€ prize provided by Fondazione Il Talento all’Opera ente filantropico and EY Foundation Ente Filantropico T.S. will be assigned to the best performing participants, up to a maximum of three for each course.
Students are accommodated in the School’s facilities, guesthouses or residences of the college, or in affiliated hotels, subject to availability. The facilities are located close to the School in order to allow participants to fully enjoy the city of Pisa and its historic center.



Giacomo Tuci - 050 883204
Noemi Montisci - 050 883275