The Institute of Economics was founded in 2011 taking up the research activities of the Laboratory of Economics and Management (LEM). It carries out research and training activities in the field of empirical and theoretical economics. Its main research areas include 'Complexity economics', 'The dynamics of industries and markets', 'Innovation, technical change and economic history', 'Data science in economics and social sciences'
Projects and Publications

Selected Projects

MSc in Economics
In collaboration with the Department of Economics and Management of University of Pisa
PhD in Economics
A 4-year PhD programme in Economics designed for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire the research and analytical skills of the international scientific community in economics

Fighting inequalities and redistribution of wealth: Andrea Roventini, director of the Institute of Economics, among the speakers at the conference to rethink tax policies in Italy and Europe

Climate and economy: even less extreme but more frequent weather events, such as thunderstorms, have significant and lasting impacts that can exacerbate inequalities. Labor incomes are among the most affected

International awards: Giovanni Dosi, professor emeritus of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, receives the Galileo Galilei Award of the Italian Rotary Clubs