PhD in Health Science, Technology and Management
The PhD concerns the topic of health and of the equity of health systems: characterized by complexity, interdisciplinarity and dynamism, they require innovation and management skills to be sustainable and ensure adequate levels of care for clients
Phd in Translational Medicine
The mission of the PhD Programme in Translational Medicine (henceforth named Programme) is to educate and train post-graduate students with diverse academic backgrounds and highly motivated to pursue a career in experimental biomedicine and/or clinic
Trattamento percutaneo della malattia coronarica
L'obiettivo è fornire al cardiologo, al cardiochirurgo ed agli altri specialisti coinvolti gli elementi teorici e pratici per un approccio terapeutico, innovativo e moderno, al paziente con malattia coronarica.
Fisiopatologia clinica e management dello scompenso cardiaco
Percutaneous interventional treatment of structural heart diseases
The general objective of the Master is to provide the cardiologist and the cardiac surgeon theoretical and practical skills for an innovative and modern therapeutic approach to the patient suffering from structural heart disease (i.e. non-coronary).
Medicina Subacquea e Iperbarica "Piergiorgio Data"
Il Master è rivolto a laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia anche con esperienza professionale nel campo della medicina subacquea e/o della medicina iperbarica.
News ed Eventi

Prevention of juvenile sudden cardiac death: in Tuscany, a bill presented to the Regional Council's Health Commission by a group of academics from the Sant'Anna School

Improving the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals in the clinical management of patients with cardiovascular diseases: new Level I university master's degree course, in cooperation with Monasterio. Enrolment extended to Thursday 6 February

Opening of the Barga Simulation Laboratory (BaSiLabo), built as part of the multi-year Proximity Care project: it is the gymnasium where healthcare personnel in the Serchio Valley (Lucca) can ‘train’ in clinical procedures