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BRAVER: Boosting Regulatory Advantages Vis à vis Emas Registration

  • Project category LIFE programme
  • Lab/Research Area Istitute of Management SuM
  • Costo complessivo €1 720 080
  • Quota partner €293 334
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Website
  • Sponsor European Commission

The main objective of the project is to increase the adoption of measures of regulatory relief to support EMAS adoption in participating countries and regions. In particular, starting from the experiences of the 2011-2014 Life+ BRAVE project, the BRAVER aims to involve other EU countries willing to increase the number of EMAS registered organisations. More in detail, the project, aims at demonstrating that:

  • “better regulation” in environmental policies is possible if voluntary schemes, as EMAS and the EU Ecolabel, are effectively and proactively used in the development of new legislation and in the revision of the existing one;
  • these measures are feasible for all EU Member States and practicable at the EU regulatory level with a reasonable effort both in policy making (e.g.: drafting new or renovate directives or legislative acts) and in policy implementing (changing permitting procedures, communication flows, control modalities, etc.);
  • the adoption of an Environmental Management System can be a strong guarantee that a company is able to comply with environmental legislation;
  • the companies (and organisations) that apply a voluntary certification scheme, such as EMAS, deserve administrative “regulatory relief” and incentives (e.g.: permits, controls, etc.). This can lead to a better and more efficient application of the environmental policy, included traditional Command and Control instruments;
  • if “better regulation” and “regulatory relief” are implemented, this can lead to benefits and advantages both for companies (savings, organisational efficiency, better control and timely adaptation to policy changes) and for public bodies involved in policy making and implementing (time efficiency in managing the procedures, cost savings in control activities, etc.);
  • all in all, this can create a virtuous cycle in which companies are strongly incentivized to adopt voluntary schemes, with a final effective improvement in their environmental impact.

•  Sant’Anna School (partner)
• "Luigi Bocconi" University (Italy)
• ENVITECH (Environmental Technology) Ltd (Cyprus)
• Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
• Scientific reserch centre Bistra Ptuj (Slovenia)
• ENVIROS s.r.o. (Czech Republic)