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RAVE: Reinforcing Added Value for EMAS

  • Project category Progetti di Ricerca conto terzi committente internazionale
  • Lab/Research Area Istitute of Management SuM
  • Project partner Adelphi Consult GmBH
  • Project partner Club EMAS Catalunya
  • Project partner Trinomics
  • Project partner Umweltbundesamt GmbH.
  • SSSA involvement Coordinatore

On behalf of the Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission, "RAVE - Reinforcing Added Value for EMAS. Exploring measures for strengthening EMAS added value to authorities and organizations." project aims at assessing the effectiveness of regultory reliefs and administrative simplifications as incentives for EMAS adoption (i.e. the voluntary instrument for environmental management of the European Commission) by European organizations. RAVE focuses on identifying the most relevant "best practices" among existing measures of regulatory relief based on EMAS registration, in order to support the diffusion of such measures within the European Union and strengthen the added value of EMAS for organizations and competent authorities.

RAVE project is coordinated by the Institute of Management of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and by the German consultancy company adelphi, in collaboration with Club EMAS Catalunya, the consultancy company Trinomics and the Austrian environmental agency Umweltbundesamt GmbH.