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The Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna was adopted in 2010. The produced text follows the peculiarities of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and emphasizes the centrality of the existance of a supportive community, in which acts a collegial reality, the promotion of merit as the primary constitutional value and fundamental instrument of social mobility, the fertile and permanent intersection between training and research and the valorisation of the differences.

The Code is divided into three parts: target and objectives, rules of behaviour; organs and means of implementation. In this last section we shall establish a Board of Ethics, which verifies and communicates the implementation of the Code through the tools of social accountability, and introduces the figure of the Confidential Counsellor, external organ functions with support, listening, mediation and conciliation.

Among the issues faced by the Code, a special emphasis is given to the norm on "favoritism and nepotism", which provides for concrete measures to defeat them and on that about "conflict of interest", which foresees that the personnel of the Scuola have to inform the Board of Ethics about a possible conflict, have to refrain from activities or decisions where this conflict could weigh and which states that the failure to notify the Board of Ethics, or failure to abstain, may constitute reason for disciplinary action.

In accordance with the European Charter for Researchers, issued by the European Commission Recommendation 2005/251/EC, the Code states that the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna considers all the members of the research staff operating within as professionals, regardless of their classification on the different juridical status existing at the legislative level, moreover the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna binds itself to settle working conditions that guarantee equality between genders in the research activities and the creation of a research environment that can provide adequate tools and opportunities. The Code also provides that the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna encourage the assignment of supervisory roles, responsibilities and coordination of projects to young researchers.