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Reopening of the Library reading room

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Starting from September first, institutional Library users can come back to take advantage of the reading room and the computers. As the COVID-19 emergency’s not finished yet, we can host a limited number of people: 15 users at each morning/afternoon turn. At the same way, 3 users will be admitted to use PC, for two daily turns.

Users must reserve seats in advance, through the app Sagenda available on the Library homepage (under the Opening Hours).

Access will be only for institutional patrons, from Monday to Friday, 9 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 6 pm.

Entering the Library, users will receive the number of the reserved seat/pc and some recommendations for the correct use of the room and material.

Users must comply with the hygienic provisions included in the Rector’s document “#Sant’Anna Fase 3”, that provides operational indications to resume the School’s activities in presence.

Materials to consult must be requested to the Staff. The loan and return services continue to be available by appointment, writing to, from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. Returned items will remain in quarantine before returning to circulation.

The number of the allowed seats may be later revised, based on the evolution of the emergency situation.