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EUProspect - The Making of a New Europe

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Deadline for Registration - EXTENDED

February 9th, 2025


March 24th-28th, 2025

Learning objectives

The EUProspect Seasonal School offers a prospective and multidimensional view on the changing features of the European Union and new directions of the European integration process. It does so by focusing on three main projects elaborated by the European actors: i) the reform of the economic governance; ii) the strengthening of military security envisaged by the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence; and iii) the implementation of the ambitious strategy for climate neutrality laid down by the Green Deal. The purpose is to critically discuss each of these ongoing developments, their multiple relationships, the ways in which they reshape the mission and rationale of the EU. The structure of the course is a mixture of lectures and seminars. The intended learning outcome is a critical understanding of the ongoing institutional processes, the interpretation of their internal dynamics and interactions, an assessment of their rationale and implications.

Teaching methodologies

The teaching method aims at fostering critical thinking, posing thought-provoking questions and promoting a shared dialogue between all participants. In line with such Socratic method, the lectures will interactively discuss the irreducible complexity of some key issues of the European integration process, while in the ‘Engaging the Institutions’ sessions participants will be asked to actively dialogue with civil servants at work on the issues at stake. The laboratories will encourage cooperation between participants in order to address specific issues and elaborate creative solutions.

Target participants

Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. law, political science, political philosophy) who are interested in understanding how to manage the changing features of the EU and new directions of the European integration process.

Coordinator and Key teaching staff

Coordinator: Edoardo Chiti

Key teaching staff: Francesca Biondi Dal Monte, Edoardo Bressanelli, Roberto Buizza, Giacomo Delledonne, Alberto Di Martino, Barbara Henry, Anna Loretoni, Giuseppe Martinico, David Natali, Gianluigi Palombella, Emanuele Fazio, Andrea Giorgi, Federica Merenda, Roberto Talenti, Lucia Virardi