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INNO-GOOD - Management of Innovation and Common Good

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Deadline for Registration - EXTENDED

January 30th, 2025


March 3rd-7th, 2025

Learning objectives

This Seasonal School addresses a very important topic with a strong interdisciplinary approach, involving especially innovation management, but also sustainability and health management. The specific approach of this Seasonal School (1) aims at arousing the interest of participants from different scientific disciplines and with different professional objectives and (2) focuses on the goal of contributing to the common good (at the level of universities, companies, institutions and territories).

The theories and tools for managing innovation in organizations will be presented and discussed not so much with the objective of creating competitive advantage, but as a support to the ability to launch new initiatives of various kinds aimed at creating value for the society as a whole, especially in coherence with the need to rethink the current capitalist system. Emphasis will be given to the role of purpose-driven organizations, their capacity to trigger innovation solutions that address societal problems, as well as on the emergence of new ways of interacting with social, environmental and cultural contexts. In this regard, some paradigms that are today at the center of the debate on the transformation of the economy which is urgently needed will be presented, such as those of the creation of shared value, open innovation and civil economy.

Teaching methodologies

The Seasonal School will include lectures by professors, company visits, as well as presentations and seminars by people active in different types of profit and non-profit initiatives aimed at contributing to the common good. Students will be also asked to contribute not only with questions but also with short presentations about specific issues as well as their personal experiences. The School will also be characterized by intense “out of the classroom” activities, during which participants and professors will have the opportunity to better know each other.

Target participants

Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (economics, management, political sciences, philosophy).

About us

Here are some statements released by the previous editions’ winners of the merit award offered by Fondazione Il Talento all’Opera and Fondazione EY.
