Democratic Constitution Making between deliberative and crowd-sourced forms of constitutionalism
- Focus area Law, welfare & public management
- Venue Modalità di erogazione a distanza
- Application deadline 28.04.2023
- Period 8 May – 19 May 2023
- Registration URL APPLY NOW
- Training hours 20
- Maximum Number of Participants 70
- Tuition fees The Course enrolment fee amounts to € 350 and includes the attendance of all the lessons and the teaching material
Course description
The Course aims at exploring the processes of Democratic Constitution Making from a comparative law viewpoint. It offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of direct and representative participation mechanisms in constitution-making processes from a comparative perspective. The course focuses on both general topics and specific cases of constitution-making processes, exploring some significant and recent experiences. Thus, alongside more general lectures, there will be lectures on specific case studies with experts of the various jurisdictions.
Course target
The Target of Course are post-graduate students (primarily, but not exclusively, in law or political science), practitioners, barristers, civil servants.
Training objectives
The Course has the following Training Objective:
- to foster greater knowledge of direct and representative participation mechanisms in the Constitution-making processes in a comparative perspective;
- to provide reliable interpretative tools for a systemic understanding of the constitution-making mechanisms;
- to discuss specific case studies by relying on a problem-based approach.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in 10 sessions from the 8th to the 19th of May. Each session consists of 2 hours of lessons (15.00-17.00 CET). The training activities are provided with online lectures (Webex).