Assistant Professor
TeCIP Institute
Andrea Sgambelluri
Andrea Sgambelluri received the master degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of Pisa in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, in 2015. In March 2015 he won the grand prize at 2015 OFC Corning Outstanding Student Paper Competition with the paper ”First Demonstration of SDN-based Segment Routing in Multi-layer Networks”. In 2016 he was postdoc researcher KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Optical Networks Laboratory (ONLab)). Currently, he is assistant professor (RTDB) at the TeCIP Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy.
His main research interests are in the field of control plane techniques for both packet and optical networks, including Software Defined Networking (SDN) protocol extensions, network reliability, industrial ethernet, switching, segment routing application, YANG/NETCONF solutions for the dynamic management, telemetry, (re)programming and monitoring of optical devices. Other research activities include Network Services orchestration for Cloud Computing, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), real-time Machine Learning techinques and forecasting. He has been involved in Italian and European research projects on next generation optical networks and innovative solution for the automated control and dynamic management of future transport networks.