Certificate and their issuance
Under Presidential Decree No. 445/2000 Art. 1, par. 1, letter F, a certificate is a "document issued by a public administration having the function of recognition, reproduction or participation to third parties of states, personal qualities and facts contained in public registers, lists or lists or otherwise ascertained by persons holding public office."
The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, pursuant to Law 183/2011, like all public administrations, can issue certificates (relating to states, personal qualities and facts) that are valid and can be used only in dealings between private parties and cannot be produced to Public Administration institutions or private providers of public services.
Please note that certificates requested for the uses prescribed by current legislation (Presidential Decree No. 642 of Oct. 26, 1972 Annex B - Table) are exempt from stamp duty; a table summarizing the most frequent certificates issued by the School is included among the attachments to assist in the application of the regulations.
You can request a stamped or plain-paper certificate by submitting the appropriate request form; please note that for stamped certificates, the request is also subject to the stamp duty.
If the certificate is subject to stamp duty, the tax may be paid as follows:
- By notifying the office of the identification number (serial) of the revenue stamp (number highlighted in red) purchased by the applicant;
- By paying the amount online through the PagoPA system using the link https://solutionpa.intesasanpaolo.com/IntermediarioPAPortal/noauth/contribuente/verificamail?idDominioPA=93008800505, choosing the option " Pagamento in assenza di avviso PagoPA", Beneficiary Unit " Pagamenti spontanei", Tax Code or Amount Type "ALTRI PAGAMENTI", and entering in the reason for payment "Certificate Stamp Duty_Course Title_Student's First and Last Name" - the payment receipt must be attached to the certification request;
- By hand-delivering or mailing the €16.00 revenue stamps (one for the application and one for the certificate) to the relevant office.
For more information, please contact:
- UO Honours Student and Master's Degree: segreteria.ordinari@santannapisa.it
- UO Ph.D.: phdoffice@santannapisa.it
- UO Advanced Education: altaformazione@santannapisa.i