Ph.D. students
Dirpolis Institute
Emanuele Fazio
Emanuele is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School in New York City, and a qualified lawyer. He also held a Visiting Doctoral Fellowship from Sciences Po in Paris. He graduated summa cum laude in Law from the University of Trento in 2020 with a dissertation in EU Administrative Law on the holistic approach to competing regulatory paradigms in the data-driven economy. During his undergraduate studies, he spent six months at the Faculty of European Law of the University of Maastricht and three months as a guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition in Munich. Since graduating, he was a trainee at CONSOB where he conducted research on the application of artificial intelligence to portfolio management. Thereafter, he was a legal trainee at the State District Attorney's Office and at a law firm. His primary research interests include EU Administrative Law and Comparative Private Law, related to digital and green transitions, competition policy, market regulation, and data law.
- EU Administrative Law
- Competition Law
- Data Law
- Consumer Protection Law
- Theories of Regulation
- Digital & Green Transitions
- E. Fazio, Experimentalist Competition Law Enforcement as a Complementary Data Sharing Toolkit: Learning from AGCM v. Google - Ostacoli alla Portabilità dei Dati, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (2024)
- E. Fazio, 'Data-driven Ecosystems: Competition Law as a Way to Link Sustainability and Digitalisation', a chapter of the book 'Ecological Sustainability and the Law: The European Green Deal and the New Frontiers of Sustainability', ed. Routledge-Giappichelli, 2024
- E. Fazio, Coherent Application Within the ECN. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Competition Law (Forthcoming)
- E. Fazio, Effect on Trade Between Member States. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Competition Law (Forthcoming)
- E. Fazio, Rethinking Competition Enforcement for Sustainable Data-driven Ecosystems, Competition Policy International (2024)
- E. Fazio, 'The Complementary Role of Competition Law for Sustainable Data-driven Ecosystems', a chapter of 'My Data Is Mine - AI, Data Protection, and a Digital Society' ed. Giuffrè (2024)
- E. Fazio, Le “eccezioni” del diritto della concorrenza per contrastare la povertà energetica. (2023)
- E. Fazio, Adapting Competition Law to the digital transition. Two Challenges. European Papers (2022)
- E. Fazio, ll problema delle competenze settoriali e l’adozione di un approccio olistico alla data-driven economy. Il diritto dell'economia (2021)
- E. Fazio, L’istituto della fungibilità in materia di ingiusta detenzione: tra monetizzazione dell’indennizzo e ‘compensazione legale’ con la diversa pena (ancora) da espiare. Rassegna Avvocatura dello Stato (2021)
Conferences & Workshops:
- Discussant at the SRS Colloquium L’altra faccia della luna: l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nella governance multilivello - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (5 December 2024)
- Speaker at Rebuilding Government - Columbia Law School (18 November 2024)
- Discussant at Master of the Treaties vs Rebels at the ECJ: The Original Trilogy of EU Judicial Protection - Columbia Law School (29 October 2024)
- Discussant at the SRS Book Launch Cura e Pubblica Amministrazione - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (25 October 2024)
- Speaker at the Visiting Scholars Forum - Columbia Law School (23 October 2024)
- Discussant at the SRS Book Launch Attività Amministrativa e Trattamento dei Dati Personali - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (17 September 2024)
- Discussant at the SRS Colloquium The EU Renaissance of Republicanism: On the Future of EU Law in Light of Article 2 TEU – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (24 June 2024)
- Speaker at the 2nd Doctoral Research Day - Sciences Po (7 June 2024)
- Discussant at the SRS Colloquium Planning as a New Mode of EU Governance – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (7 June 2024)
- Chairman at the SRS Colloquium Regulating Uncertainty Through Participation: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (26 March 2024)
- Chairman & Speaker at the SIDE 2024 Conference Governance, tort and property in the digital era - Department of Economics, University of Brescia (15 December 2023)
- Speaker at the ICON-S Benelux Inaugural Conference Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law – Maastricht University (27 October 2023)
- Speaker & Discussant at the Workshop Ceci n’est pas un paper – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (20 October 2023)
- Speaker at the ICON-S Italy Annual Conference Politica e Istituzioni tra Trasformazioni e Riforme – Bocconi University (13-14 October 2023)
- Organiser & Chairman at the Internet Festival 2023 IA Generativa oltre lo Spazio e il Tempo – Pisa (4 October 2023)
- Speaker at the Poster Session of LEAR Competition Festival – Rome (26 September 2023)
- Speaker at the Conference Data Sharing within the EU Digital Market – Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (14-15 September 2023)
- Speaker at the Conference Digital Technologies, Public Policy & Competition law – Erasmus University Rotterdam (1-2 June 2023)
- Speaker at the Conference The Gift of the Evil D-AI-ty. Regulating Data and AI in Europe – Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (1-2 December 2022)
- Speaker at the ICON-S Italy Annual Conference Il Futuro dello Stato – University of Bologna (16-17 September 2022)
- Speaker at the 79° Nexa Lunch Seminar: Data-Driven Economy – Politecnico di Torino (24 June 2020)