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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Multidisciplinary interventions for the protection of exploited women and men workers

Date 24.03.2023 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italy

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Scheduled for Friday, March 24, from 2:30 p.m., at the Aula Magna of the Sant'Anna School, is the roundtable discussion "Multidisciplinary interventions for the protection of exploited women and men workers", the concluding event of the DEMETRA project, co-funded by Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione 2014-2020. The aim of the initiative is to explore the complexity of the phenomenon of labor exploitation from multiple perspectives, from the removal of the causes of exploitation, to the protection of victims and pathways of reception and integration, with a focus on the phenomenon of caporalato in Tuscany.

After the institutional greetings of Gaetana Morgante, Director DIRPOLIS Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of the Sant'Anna School, and Angelo Corsetti, Director Coldiretti Toscana, the following will speak at the round table, moderated by Francesca Biondi Dal Monte (DIRPOLIS Institute): Fabio Berti (University of Siena), Anna Brambilla (ASGI), Tommaso Sbriccoli (University of Siena), Jenny De Salvo (Arnera Cooperative) and Federico Oliveri (University of Pisa).


All details in the attached poster.