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Federico Pierucci is PhD Candidate in Human Rights, Global Politics and Sustainability at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, investigating the philosophical background of the European digital transition. Previously, he worked as a reasercher and project manager for Horizon 2020 and Horizon EU projects, both in Rome and Brussels. He studied EU project management at the executive program on "Management and Control of EU fundings" offered by the LUISS Business School. He had a reaserch experience in computational social sciences with the ISTC-CNR. He hold a bachelor degree in philosophy from the Sapienza University of Rome, and a master degree in philosophy from the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.


Pierucci, F., Cesaroni, V. (2023). [Journal Article] "Data Subjectivation – Self-sovereign identity and digital self-determination." Digital Society, Springer.

Pierucci, F., Kruk N., Cecconi, F. (2023) [Working Paper] "Modelling the social contract – an agent-based model of Hobbes’ contract theory." Social Science Open Access Repository.

Pierucci, F. (2021). [Journal Article] "Comunità Energetiche – Il quadro generale e il caso italiano." Eurispes, Rapporto Italia 2021.

Pierucci, F. (2020). [Academic Review] "Hobbes and Galileo: Method, Matter and the Science of Motion, by Gregorio Baldin." Nuncius, Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science.


Rome, 19-01-2023 - I delivered a presentation titled "The Self-sovereign Way for the Human Centric Metaverse" focusing on the philosophical implications of digital identity within the metaverse. This talk was part of The 2024 Workshop on electronic identity empowered public services, associated with the Horizon-2020 Project "IMPULSE". The event was hosted at the UnionCamere of Rome.