Assistant Professor
Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare Health Science
Download curriculum vitaeFrancesca Pennucci
She works as a post-doc research fellow at the Institute of Management of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. She holds a Ph.D. in Management of Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare. Her research focuses on the patients and general people’s role into the provision and evaluation of healthcare services. She is exploring concepts, interventions and methodological tools, which can be helpful in studying how people’s role can have an impact on the value creation chain in the healthcare system. She participates in the collection of PROMs measures both for orthopaedic surgery and chronic heart failure care pathways with a specific focus on the impact of behavioural and drug therapy adherence and social support (especially caregivers’ role). She also participated in the innovative health promotion project “beFood”, where the co-production approach was implemented to enhance adolescents’ contribution to the health promotion intervention delivery.