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I received my BSc degree and MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Pisa, Italy, respectively in 2009 and 2012, and my PhD in BioRobotics from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, in 2016. My PhD research activities focused on the design, development and testing of wearable devices for restoring sensory feedback to upper limb amputees wearing a prosthetic hand. When I was a post-doc (first) and Assistant Professor (later) at The BioRobotics Institute, I was involved in national and European research projects, such as MYKI and DeTOP and supervised several master and PhD students. My research interests mainly included the development of robotic hands and sensory feedback devices for upper limb amputees, but widened to the whole field of upper limb prosthetics.

I am now the Managing Director of Prensilia, which develops robotic hands (Mia Hand and IH2 Azzurra) for research, industry and medical devices fields, as well as collaborative robotic cells for industrial automation. I also continue the collaboration with the BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna as a Professional Affiliate.


Peer-reviewed journal papers

[30] M. Ortiz-Catalan, J. Zbinden, J. Millenaar, D. D’Accolti, M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, L. Cappello, E. J. Earley, E. Mastinu, J. Kolankowska, M. Munoz-Novoa, S. Jönsson, C. Cipriani, P. Sassu, R. Brånemark, "A highly integrated bionic hand with neural control and feedback for use in daily life," Science Robotics, vol. 8, no. 83, 2023, Link (OA)

[29] D. D'Accolti, F. Clemente, A. Mannini, E. Mastinu, M. Ortiz-Catalan, C. Cipriani, "Online Classification of Transient EMG Patterns for the Control of the Wrist and Hand in a Transradial Prosthesis," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, Link (OA)

[28] J. Montero, Z.C. Thumser, F. Masiero, D.T. Beckler, F. Clemente, P. Marasco, C. Cipriani, "The myokinetic stimulation interface: activation of proprioceptive neural responses with remotely actuated magnets implanted in rodent forelimb muscle," Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 19, no. 2, 2022, Link (OA)

[27] F. Masiero, E. Sinibaldi, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "Effects of Sensor Resolution and Localization Rate on the Performance of a Myokinetic Control Interface," IEEE Sensors, vol. 21, no. 20, 2021, Link (OA)

[26] J. Montero, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "Feasibility of generating 90 Hz vibrations in remote implanted magnets, Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 15456, 2021, Link (OA)

[25] M. Gherardini, F. Clemente, S. Milici, C. Cipriani, "Localization accuracy of multiple magnets in a myokinetic control interface," Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 4850, 2021, Link (OA)

[24] F. Ferrari, C.E. Shell, Z.C. Thumser, F. Clemente, E.B. Plow, C. Cipriani, P. Marasco, "Proprioceptive Augmentation With Illusory Kinaesthetic Sensation in Stroke Patients Improves Movement Quality in an Active Upper Limb Reach-and-Point Task," Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 15, 2021, Link (OA)

[23] V. Iacovacci, I. Naselli, A.R. Salgarella, F. Clemente, L. Ricotti, C. Cipriani, "Stability and in vivo safety of gold, titanium nitride and parylene C coatings on NdFeB magnets implanted in muscles towards a new generation of myokinetic prosthetic limbs," Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, vol. 11, no. 12, 2021, Link (OA)

[22] M. Pinardi, F. Ferrari,  M. D'Alonzo, F. Clemente, L. Raiano, C. Cipriani, G. Di Pino, "Doublecheck: a sensory confirmation is required to own a robotic hand, sending a command to feel in charge of it," Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 11, no. 4, 2020, Link

[21] S. Milici, M. Gherardini, F. Clemente, F. Masiero, P. Sassu, C. Cipriani, "The Myokinetic Control Interface: How Many Magnets Can be Implanted in an Amputated Forearm? Evidence From a Simulated Environment," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 28, no. 21, 2020, Link

[20] I.J. Rodriguez-Martinez, A. Mannini, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "Online Grasp Force Estimation From the Transient EMG," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 28, no. 20, 2020, Link

[19] E. Mastinu, L. Engels, F. Clemente, M. Dione, P. Sassu, O. Aszmann, R. Brånemark, B. Håkansson, M. Controzzi, J. Wessberg, C. Cipriani, M. Ortiz-Catalan, "Neural feedback strategies to improve grasping coordination in neuromusculoskeletal prostheses," Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 11793, 2020, Link (OA)

[18] G. Valle, E. D'Anna, I. Strauss, F. Clemente, G. Granata, R. Di Iorio, M. Controzzi, T. Stieglitz, P.M. Rossini, F.M. Petrini, S. Micera, "Hand control with invasive feedback is not impaired by increased cognitive load," Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, in press, 2020, Link (OA)

[17] I.J. Rodriguez-Martinez, A. Mannini, F. Clemente, A.M. Sabatini, C. Cipriani, "Grasp force estimation from the transient EMG using high-density surface recordings," Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2020, Link (OA)

[16] S. Tarantino, F. Clemente, A. De Simone, C. Cipriani, "Feasibility of tracking multiple implanted magnets with a myokinetic control interface: simulation and experimental evidence based on the point dipole model," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, Link.

[15] F. Clemente, V. Ianniciello, M. Gherardini, C. Cipriani, "Development of an Embedded Myokinetic Prosthetic Hand Controller," Sensors, vol. 19, no. 14, pp. 1-10, 2019, Link (OA). Special issue on integrated magnetic sensors

[14] E. Mastinu, F. Clemente, P. Sassu, O. Aszmann, R. Brånemark, B. Håkansson, M. Controzzi, C. Cipriani, M. Ortiz-Catalan, "Grip control and motor coordination with implanted and surface electrodes while grasping with an osseointegrated prosthetic hand," Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 16, no. 49, 2019, Link (OA)

[13] G. Risso, G. Valle, F. Iberite, I. Strauss, T. Stieglitz, M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, G. Granata, P.M. Rossini, F.M. Petrini, S. Micera, G. Baud-Bovy, "Optimal integration of intraneural somatosensory feedback with visual information: a single-case study," Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 7916, 2019, Link (OA)

[12] F. Clemente, G. Valle, M. Controzzi, I. Strauss, F. Iberite, T. Stieglitz, G. Granata, P.M. Rossini, F.M. Petrini, S. Micera, C. Cipriani, "Intraneural sensory feedback restores grip force control and motor coordination while using a prosthetic hand," Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 16, no. 2, 2019, Link

[11] F. Ferrari, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "The preload force affects the perception threshold of muscle vibration-induced movement illusions," Experimental Brain Research, vol. 237, no. 1, pp. 111-120, 2019, Link (OA)

[10] F.M. Petrini, G. Valle, I. Strauss, G. Granata, R. Di Iorio, E. D'Anna, P. Čvančara, M. Mueller, J. Carpaneto, F. Clemente, M. Controzzi, L. Bisoni, C. Carboni, M. Barbaro, F. Iodice, D. Andreu, A. Hiairrassary, J.L. Divoux, C. Cipriani, D. Guiraud, L. Raffo, E. Fernandez, T. Stieglitz, S. Raspopovic, P.M. Rossini, S. Micera, "Six‐month assessment of a hand prosthesis with intraneural tactile feedback," Annals of Neurology, vol. 85, no. 1, 2019, Link

[9] G. Valle, A. Mazzoni, F. Iberite, E. D’Anna, I. Strauss, G. Granata, M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, G. Rognini, C. Cipriani, T. Stieglitz, F.M. Petrini, P.M. Rossini, S. Micera, "Biomimetic Intraneural Sensory Feedback Enhances Sensation Naturalness, Tactile Sensitivity, and Manual Dexterity in a Bidirectional Prosthesis," Neuron, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 37-45.e7, 2018, Link, PDF

[8] M. Aboseria, F. Clemente, L. Engels, C. Cipriani, "Discrete Vibro-Tactile Feedback Prevents Object Slippage in Hand Prostheses More Intuitively than other Modalities," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 1577-1584, 2018, Link, PDF

[7] S. Tarantino, F. Clemente, D. Barone, M. Controzzi, C. Cipriani, "The myokinetic control interface: tracking implanted magnets as a means for prosthetic control," Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 17149, pp. 11, 2017, Link (OA)

[6] F. Clemente, B. Håkansson, C. Cipriani, J. Wessberg, K. Kulbacka-Ortiz, R. Brånemark, K.-J. Fredén Jansson, M. Ortiz-Catalan, "Touch and hearing mediate osseoperception," Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 45363, pp. 11, 2017, Link (OA)

[5] M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, D. Barone, A. Ghionzoli, C. Cipriani, "The SSSA-MyHand: a dexterous lightweight myoelectric hand prosthesis," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017 (online in 2016), 25.5, pp. 459-468, Link, PDF

[4] F. Clemente, S. Dosen, L. Lonini, M. Markovic, D. Farina, C. Cipriani, "Humans can integrate augmented reality feedback in their sensorimotor control of a robotic hand," IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems, 2017 (online in 2016), 47.4, pp. 583-589, Link, PDF

[3] F. Clemente, M. D'Alonzo, M. Controzzi, B.B. Edin, C. Cipriani, "Non-invasive, temporally discrete feedback of object contact and release improves grasp control of closed-loop myoelectric transradial prostheses," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016 (online in 2015), 24.12, pp. 1314-1322, Link, PDF

[2] M. D'Alonzo, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "Vibrotactile sensory substitution promotes embodiment of an alien hand in transradial amputees with referred phantom sensations," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2014, 23.3, pp. 450-457, Link, PDF

[1] C. Cipriani, J.L. Segil, F. Clemente, R.F. Weir, B.B. Edin, "Humans can integrate feedback of discrete events in their sensorimotor control of a robotic hand," Experimental Brain Research, 2014, 232:11, pp. 3421-3429, Link, PDF

these authors contributed equally


Conference papers

[9] F. Ferrari, C.E. Shell, Z.C. Thumser, F. Clemente, E.B. Plow, C. Cipriani, P. Marasco, "Post-stroke Voluntary Movements Improve When Combined with Vibration-Induced Illusion of Movement," ICNR2020 - Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV, Springer International Publishing, 2020. 605-610.

[8] K.M. Quick, J.M. Weiss, F. Clemente, R.A. Gaunt, J.L. Collinger, "Intracortical Microstimulation Feedback Improves Grasp Force Accuracy in a Human Using a Brain-Computer Interface," International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Montreal, July 2020.

[7] J. Montero, M. Gherardini, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "Comparison of online algorithms for the tracking of multiple magnetic targets in a myokinetic control interface," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Paris, May 2020

[6] M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, D. Barone, L. Bassi Luciani, N. Pierotti, M. Bacchereti, C. Cipriani, "Progress Towards the Development of the DeTOP Hand Prosthesis: A Sensorized Transradial Prosthesis for Clinical Use," ICNR2018 - International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation. Pisa, October 2018. Best Poster Award

[5] I.J. Rodriguez-Martinez, F. Clemente, G. Kanitz, A. Mannini, A.M. Sabatini, C. Cipriani, "Grasp Force Estimation from HD-EMG Recordings with Channel Selection Using Elastic Nets: Preliminary Study," BioRob2018 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. Enschede, August 2018.

[4] D. Barone, M. D'Alonzo, M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "A Cosmetic Prosthetic Digit with Bioinspired Embedded Touch Feedback," ICORR2017 - IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. London, July 2017. 3rd place at the RehabWeek 2017 Best Poster Competition (>500 posters participating)

[3] S. Tarantino, F. Clemente, D. Barone, M. Controzzi, C. Cipriani, "A MyoKinetic HMI for the Control of Hand Prostheses: A Feasibility Study," ICNR2017 - Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 575-579.

[2] M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, "A dexterous hand prosthesis based on a geneva drive: preliminary design," MEC Symposium 2014, New Brunswick, Canada

[1] F. Clemente & C. Cipriani, "A novel device for multi-modal sensory feedback in hand prosthetics: design and preliminary prototype," HAPTICS Symposium 2014, Houston, TX



[2] F. Clemente, M. D'Alonzo, B.B. Edin, C. Cipriani, "Dispositivo per ritorno sensoriale", Italian priority no. PI2014A000045, Holder: Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna | Uminova Holding AB, July 2014

[1] M. Controzzi, F. Clemente, C. Cipriani, M.C. Carrozza, "Self-Contained Multifunctional Hand Prosthesis", European patent no. 13164114.4, 2013, Holder: Prensilia SRL, Apr 2013, Publication page