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Guido Cassinadri got a bachelor degree in Philosophy and a master degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Bologna. During his master degree, Cassinadri has been an Erasmus student at Utrecht University. Moreover, he completed his master thesis on the theory of extended cognition with a research project at Innopolis University (RU) and thanks to a research fellow scholarship at the department of Cognitive Sciences at Vassar College (USA). Cassinadri worked as a consultant for Appears, is a member of the organizing commettee of the seasonal school "Ethos + Tekhné: Seasonal School for AI Researchers" of the EELISA network of Eruopean Univerisities. He also developed a dissemination project thanks to his YouTube channel "La Filosofia Tiene Svegli". He is now a PhD visiting student at the Technical University of Munich at the Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine.



His research topics span through the philosophy of cognitive science, the philosophy of technology and neuroethics. In particolar, his research in neuroethics bridges the gap between the extended mind theory and neurorights. He is now a PhD visiting student at the Technical University of Munich at the Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine.


Cassinadri G. and Fasoli, M. (Forthcoming). The extended mind thesis and the cognitive artifacts approach: a comparison. In Ienca, M. and Starke, G. (eds.) Brains and Machines: Towards a unified Ethics of AI and Neuroscience. Elsevier.


Cassinandri, G., Fasoli, M. (2023). Rejecting the extended cognition moral narrative: a critique of two normative arguments for extended cognition. Synthese 202, 155 .


Cassinadri, G. (2022a). Moral Reasons Not to posit Extended Cognitive Systems: A reply to Farina and Lavazza. Philosophy and Technology. 35, 64.


Cassinadri, G. (2022b). Review of ‘Just Deserts. Debating Free Will’, by Daniel C. Dennett and Gregg D. Caruso. Polity Press Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 2021, Lessico di Etica Pubblica. numero 1 (2022) – ISSN 2039-2206.



15/12/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Fasoli, M. A critique of the Argument From Assessment of Capacities: Extended Cognition, Cognitive Disability and Marginalization. 19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences Genoa, Italy.


15/12/2023: Cassinadri, G. ChatGPT Does not Extend Students’ Cognition: Applying Virtue Epistemology to a Cognitive Artifact in Educational Settings. 19th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences Genoa, Italy.


2/12/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Bianchini, F. On Defining AI as Extension of Cognition. 1st Annual Web Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of the Sciences of the Mind 2023.


9/11/2023: Cassinadri, G. ChatGPT in education: Mind Extender or Supercognitive Artifact? Paper presentation at the Conference “Cognitive Ecologies, Values, and Disruptive Technologies”, Organized by the Lisbon Mind, Cognition and Knowledge Group, hosted by NOVA University of Lisbon, in the context of the GENAI Project.


5/10/2023: Navas-Loro, M., Cassinadri, G., Hayoun Mya, O., Parginos, K., Tramacere, S., Vrizzi, S., AI in University and Research: challenges, opportunities and Ethos+Tekhne. 1st EELISA International Conference 2023.


25/08/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Fasoli, M. Rejecting the Extended Narrative: A Critique of Two Normative Arguments for Extended Cognition. Conference TXM@25 – “The Extended Mind” at 25 University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)


30/6/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Fasoli, M. The Assessment of Capacities of Cognitive Tool-Users: From Extended to Integrated Cognitive Systems, Paper Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Philosophy, University of Antwerp, 30 June – 02 July 2023.


11/5/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Fasoli, M. The assessment of capacities of cognitive tool-users: From extended to integrated cognitive systems. Mapping New Challenges in the Neuroethical Landscape - Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, XIV Edition. Pisa-Lucca:

11/5/2023: Cassinadri, G. and Pirni, A.  From an extended to a relational interpretation of the right to mental integrity. Mapping New Challenges in the Neuroethical Landscape - Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, XIV Edition. Pisa-Lucca:


13/04/2023: Cassinadri, G. Rejecting the Extended Narrative: A Critique of Two Normative Arguments for Extended Cognition, paper presentation at the workshop on Human Agency, Self-Regulation and 21st Century Technology with Mark Coeckelbergh.  Lisbon Mind, Cognition & Knowledge Group Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


16/03/2023: Cassinadri, G. A Critique of the ‘Extended Cognition Narrative’, Online seminar. Lisbon Mind, Cognition & Knowledge Group Seminar Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


10/12/2021: Cassinadri, G. Limits and Possibilities of the Extension of Mind and Cognition, PoPRocks Cognitive Science Talk seminar series, CUNY University of New York.