Parliaments and Representative Assemblies as a System (PARS)

The PARS (Parliaments and Representative Assemblies as a System) research area deals mainly with the dynamics that, in contemporary democracies, lead to public decision-making and its evaluation, also in relation to ICTs and - in particular - to data science. Hence the importance of studies on the subject of elective assemblies (of which the annual seminars on parliamentary law and the editorial series Studi Pisani sul Parlamento are an expression), but also on the sources of law and the federalising process in a comparative perspective.
Moreover, the Seasonal School INSIDER (Innovations, Challenges, Ideas for Representative Democracy), the fourth edition of which was held in 2024, is organised within the research area. The course offers participants specific training on the main current issues concerning the various aspects of political representation and the law of elected assemblies, from a distinctly interdisciplinary perspective.