Comparative Genomics and Crop Physiology
The aim of the research unit is to increase the resistance and resilience of crops to abiotic stresses using information from plant genomics and physiology

This unit mainly deals with the following research topics:
- Comparative genomics on species of agricultural interest using bioinformatics analysis
- Biotechnological approaches based on genetic modification and gene editing of species of agricultural interest
- Analysis of the physiological and molecular effects determined by water-deficit and salt stress on fruit and biomass tree species
- Omics approaches to increase crop resistance and resilience to climate change-induced abiotic stresses
- Analysis of the molecular, physiological and productive effects induced by organic and inorganic xenobiotics on plants e phyto-treatment methods for contaminated soil and water
- Development of non-destructive methods and application of sensors for measuring the physiological state of cultivated species for Agriculture 4.0 applications
- Physiological and productive analysis of cultivated species in response to the use of unconventional-, surface- and ground-water to mitigate water scarcity