Technical and Administrative staff
Personale Tecnico Biorobotica
Lucrezia Lorenzon
Lucrezia Lorenzon is a PhD student at The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. She currently works in The Soft Mechatronics for Biorobotics lab, on different research projects. She received the MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering (cum laude) from Politecnico of Milan in 2018, with a specialization on cardiovascular devices and artificial organs.
She is currently involved in the EU-funded project HYBRIDHEART, whose goal is the development of the fully soft and biocompatible soft robotic artificial heart.
Link to the HybridHeart website: https://www.hybridheart.eu/
Lucrezia Lorenzon main research objective is the development of novel soft mechatronics technologies and solutions for implantable organs and prostheses. She is currently developing a soft robotic artificial ventricle, to be employed at first as organ simulator. Further efforts will be devoted to the device translation towards an implantable ventricle prosthese, considering both the biocompatibility of the constitutive soft materials and the energy supply, either percutaneous or fully implanted.
ACTUATOR21, Online, February 17-19, 2021. International Conference and Exibition on New Actuator Systems and Applications.
BioMedEng18, Imperial College London, September 6-7, 2018. The UK's largest gathering of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers and Bioengineers.