Announcing the SoBigData Digital Coffee
L'EMbeDS is thrilled to announce the SoBigData Digital Coffee -- a free, four-part webinar series organized by the Institute of Management as part of SoBigData++, a Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining. The series is designed to provide knowledge and insights needed to leverage Big Data for innovation, entrepreneurship, ethics and impact.

The SoBigData Digital Coffee is a free, four-part webinar series organized by the Institute of Management as part of SoBigData++, a Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining. The series, which sees the participation of several members of the L'EMbeDS community, seeks to provide insight and foster conversations on how to leverage Big Data for innovation, entrepreneurship, ethics and impact.
Why should you attend?
- Gain insight: each webinar will feature "shots" (talks) delivered by experts, including SoBigData project partners, industry leaders, and faculty members (SoBigData++ is committed to gender balance and diversity in speaker selection, ensuring representation from both academia and industry).
- Explore key topics: the topics explored by the webinars are critical for today's business landscape, and include:
- February 28th, 2024: Big Data: Innovation and Efficiency in Business Transformation
- March 20th, 2024: Data-driven activities: Turning data into successful innovations
- April 10th, 2024: Responsible Innovation: Data Ethics in business and society
- April 24th, 2024: Data Impact: Dissemination in society in the age of Big Data.
- Engage with the community: each session will offer an opportunity for direct interaction with experts and fellow participants through a live chat Q&A session, fostering new ideas and valuable connections.
Webinar format:
Dr. Giulio Ferrigno (Senior Assistant Professor of the Institute of Management and L'EMbeDS Mananging Board member) will shortly introduce each webinar's topic, and provide a wrap-up at the end of each session. The session will then include short talks by three speakers (approx 10 minutes each), and a live Q&A session (15-20 minutes).
Meet the speakers of the first webinar (February 28th):
- Valerio Grossi holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. His research focuses on analyzing massive, complex data, including mining data streams, ontology-driven mining, business intelligence, and knowledge discovery systems. He took part in several European research projects as a member of UniPi and CNR research groups, developing data mining and knowledge discovery applications, as well as new business intelligence approaches. He is currently involved in the management of the SoBigData Research Infrastructure.
- Maria Vittoria Brandi is a biologist employed at SOCOTEC Italia, where she utilizes various data analysis software to examine large environmental datasets. Her primary goal is to integrate and jointly analyze datasets from diverse areas within SOCOTEC Italia's scope.
- Anna Monreale is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at UniPi. She has been Director of the Master's program in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining (UniPi and CNR) from 2019 to 2022. She currently serves as the vice-coordinator of the National Ph.D. program in Artificial Intelligence for Society at UniPi.
Register now (for free) at the following link .
(speakers for the following webinars will be announced shortly before each webinar date)