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celebrating women’s day on march 7 at sant’anna school: the committee for equal opportunities cug organized a seminar on women in science and technology

Publication date: 20.02.2019
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The seminar “Mamme digitali o scienziate: l'irresistibile fascino del cervello delle donne!” organized by the Committee for Equal Opportunities of Sant’Anna School in cooperation with the Italian National Association Rosa Digitale will be held on Thursday, March 7, at 4.00 pm (Sant’Anna School, room aula magna). The seminar aims to celebrate the International Women’s Day and analyze the women’s participation in science and technology to support the women’s role as innovators as well as researchers, scientists and technologists. Keynote speakers include Rector Pierdomenico Perata, Gaetana Morgante, professor of Criminal Law – Sant’Anna School, Enza Spadoni, technologist– Sant’Anna School, and Marina Belli, as the representative of Rosa Digitale association.

Anna Loretoni, professor of Political Philosophy at Sant’Anna School, has been playing an active role in women inclusiveness since last ten years. This seminar is an important opportunity where education professionals gather with women leaders to make change happen. Thought-leadership discussions will be conducted by Enrica Battifoglia, ANSA journalist and Darya Majidi, entrepreneur.

Enrica Battifoglia will give her speech on “Rita Levi Montalcini - L'irresistibile fascino del cervello”, addressing the issues highlighted decades ago on women scientists being persecuted (racial laws in 1938) and then honored (Nobel Prize in 1986). Levi Montalcini discovered the NGF (Nerve Growth Factor - a protein for the growth and maintenance of neurons in the sympathetic and sensorial nervous systems) and studied its role in the immune system. The NGF is also known as the first “lovers’ molecule”; research at the University of Pavia has recently demonstrated that the level of this protein is higher in the early phases of falling in love.

Darya Majidi will give her speech on “Donne 4.0 - Riflessioni di una imprenditrice e mamma digitale nata nel 1968”, highlighting how “digital” women can diversify research and technology, bringing different points of view that can fuel creativity through “Heart”, “Courage” and  “Distinctive Competence” measures.