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Cooperation between Europe and Africa in the mining sector: the Laboratory of Sustainability Management of the Sant'Anna School in Uganda for the Horizon Europe AfricaMaVal project. The initiative is held as part of the strategic project AfricaConnect

Publication date: 13.06.2023
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Fabio Iannone and Francesco Ghezzi, respectively a research fellow and PhD student at the Laboratory of Sustainability Management, representing the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies participated in the annual meeting of the Horizon Europe AfricaMaVal project, which took place June 4-6 in Entebbe, Uganda. The initiative is held as part of AfricaConnect, a strategic project involving the efforts of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.

The Horizon Europe AfricaMaVal project aims to strengthen and foster cooperation between Europe and Africa in the mining sector, which is crucial for the ecological transition, encouraging an approach adhering to the principles of sustainability (Environmental, Social and Governance). Within AfricaMaVal, the SuM Lab is involved in WP4 "Environmental, Social, and Governance improvement for the Raw Material Value Chain support." The objectives of WP4 are to improve local awareness on sustainable mining, to improve market knowledge for current stakeholders (with particular reference to artisanal mining), and finally to promote a sustainable approach according to ESG principles for artisanal mining. The SuM Lab is responsible for task 4.2 "Enabling mining practices aligned to ESG goals."

In addition to attending the event, the two researchers, along with Frank Mugyenyi of MADI (a project partner), met with officials from the Ugandan Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. The purpose of the meeting was to explain the contribution of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna to the project and the first results of the activities carried out on the African context. On the occasion, officials explained the Green Manifacturing Strategy established by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, which seeks to combine economic and environmental development goals in Uganda.


On the cover: group photo of participants.