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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Italy-Africa Cooperation: the new edition of the ‘Rule of Law and Cooperation in Africa’ project starts with a series of training courses for the African judiciary. The first of thirteen courses took place in Chad

The activities, aimed at the judiciary in Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Niger, Mauritania, Senegal and Tanzania, are organised within the framework of the training project financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinated by the Sant'Anna School, with the collaboration of local counterparts
Publication date: 12.12.2024
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Cooperation activities between Italy and African countries are strengthened with the launch of the new Advanced Training Course in N'Djamena, aimed at the Chadian military judiciary. The training course, organized by Sant'Anna School and promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the École Nationale de Formation Judiciaire (ENFJ-Tchad), aims to strengthen the knowledge and skills of military magistrates in relation to international judicial cooperation instruments, with particular reference to international crimes, also through the analysis of practical cases.

The ‘Rule of Law and Cooperation in Africa’ Project

The course in Chad is the first in a series of high-level training courses in which the Sant'Anna School is involved in the framework of the Project ‘Rule of Law and Cooperation in Africa (2024-2025)’. The new edition of the Project is in continuity with the training and capacity-building activities in favour of the judiciary in African countries already undertaken during the projects financed by MAECI in the previous years (2018-2024) and envisages several in-depth studies on specific topics with the participation of Italian and African experts and academics. For the success of these activities, the support guaranteed by the Farnesina and the Italian Embassies on site has always been crucial.

Cooperation with the Judiciary of African Countries

"The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna is proud to contribute to this significant higher education project, aimed at enhancing cooperation with the judiciary of African countries and promoting the rule of law,’ underlined Lorenzo Gasbarri, assistant professor in International Law at the Dirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School and Head of the Project. ’We believe that investing in training and institution-building is a fundamental step towards consolidating the rule of law in key countries on the African continent".