Edge computing: concludes the second edition of the RAGE 2023 workshop, in San Antonio, Texas, USA, an event with the RETIS Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School among the organizers
The initiative this year was held as part of Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Week 2023 (CPS-IoT-Week 2023)
Edge computing, computational processing that enables faster times with less energy consumed in favor of increased privacy security, is experiencing growing popularity. The workshop "Real-Time and Intelligent Edge Computing" (RAGE 2023), which counts among its organizers Daniel Casini, a researcher at the RETIS lab at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, and Francesco Restuccia, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of California San Diego and former doctoral student at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, along with Inès Alvarez Vadillo, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Mälardalen, Matthias Becker, Assistant Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Dakshina Dasari, a researcher at Bosch, aim to provide space for these topics, enabling productive discussions about the future and challenges of emerging edge computing issues.
The second edition of the event was held in conjunction with Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT Week 2023 (CPS-IoT-Week 2023), one of the flagship events for cyber-physical systems and IoT, in San Antonio, Texas, USA, on May 9, 2023, with over 40 participants.
The workshop featured several high-level invited speakers from industry and academia, including Ryan Kastner of the University of California San Diego, Anthony Rowe of Carnegie Mellon University, Arne Hamann of Bosch, Christian Eltzschig of Apex.AI, Matt Spencer of ARM, and Renato Mancuso of Boston University.
More details are available on the initiative's website: https://rage2023.github.io/
On the cover, left to right: Matthias Becker, Daniel Casini, Francesco Restuccia.