Agricultural Entomology: Alice Caselli receives the 'Prof. Fabio Quaglia' PhD Prize at the study day organised by the Center of Plant Sciences
Alice Caselli, currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Center of Plant Sciences, has been awarded the 'Prof. Fabio Quaglia' doctoral prize, worth 3,000, established by the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Center of Plant Sciences, to commemorate the figure of Prof. Fabio Quaglia, former professor of Agricultural Entomology at the Scuola Sant'Anna. Fabio Quaglia, a former lecturer in Agricultural Entomology at the Scuola Sant'Anna, in view of the important role he played in the period from 1986 to 1992, the year of his untimely death, as well as his collaboration with Dr. Ruggero Petacchi, assistant professor at the Center of Plant Sciences, with whom he initiated the activities of the School's Entomological Laboratory.
The prize was awarded to Alice Caselli for her studies in the field of Agricultural Entomology, with particular reference to olive-growing, evaluating her curriculum vitae at an excellent level, and her scientific production fully consistent with the field of general and applied entomology as significant and constant.
The award to Caselli was presented during the Study Day on Agricultural Entomology, organised by the Center of Plant Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa, during which scholars discussed their role, at a time when agricultural entomology increasingly represents an important disciplinary field in the field of research and the application of management strategies for cultivated plants, respecting and enhancing the environment.
The day, in an ideal handover between the past and the future, aimed to provide, especially to the young students of Agriculture at the Scuola Sant'Anna and the University of Pisa who attended in large numbers, an overview of the current and future opportunities of this disciplinary field. The problems that agricultural entomology is currently facing were illustrated and debated, providing indications of possible future scenarios.
Nella foto Alice Caselli assieme ad Anna Maria Pult Quaglia, moglie del prof. Fabio Quaglia