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The Equal Opportunities Committees - Comitati Unici di Garanzia (CUG) workshop held in Pisa on February 15 provided the basis for promoting best practice, equal opportunities and inclusion in the workplace

Publication date: 11.02.2018
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The workshop chaired by the presidents of the Pisa area Equal Opportunities Committees aimed to give the public and institutions an opportunity to discuss all aspects of equality and inclusion in the workplace, focused on delivering high quality social services to the local community. The workshop held at the Consiglio della Provincia di Pisa on 15 February included discussions on diversity and inclusion, employee well-being and future HR trends under the new regulations - Piani di Azioni Positive.

The Equal Opportunities Committees - Comitati Unici di Garanzia (CUG) in Pisa include: Sant’Anna School, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Pisa, Pisa City Council, Pisa Province authority and Pisa Hospital - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana. Taking into consideration the diversity of the working environment, the Committees have taken a comprehensive review of positive impacts and competitive advantages for institutions adopting best practice in equal opportunity matters.

Patrizia TomioUniversity of Trento, Daniele Menozzi -Scuola Normale, Elettra Stradella – University of Pisa, Erica Palmerini and Gaetana Morgante - Sant’Anna School, Francesco Sardo – Pisa City Council, Giuseppe Pozzana Province of Pisa and Carola Martino – Pisa Hospital Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana, attended the workshop. “To support cultural change in our community – said Daniele Menozzi, president of CUGs network, and Elettra Stradella, scientific coordinator – the strategies and best practice to address discrimination must be accompanied by activities to engage an open dialogue on the importance of understanding and accepting difference. The CUGs in Pisa area have responded with a range of innovative initiatives providing good practice guidance to help universities support their students. The network identified a range of recommendations in adopting institutions-wide approach”.

In 2010, the Italian Law 183 established the Committee for Equal Opportunities in Public Administrations. The committees replaced previous (2006 and 2010 regulations) committees aimed at ensuring Equal Opportunities and Anti-Mobbing policy.

The CUG committees are required to promote equal opportunities and welfare in the workplace and prevent forms of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religion. People should not be disadvantaged or denied access to employment or to services because of prejudice and employees are protected from discrimination at all stages of employment.

Alongside supporting the development of good practice, the CUG network in Pisa is continuing work in the dissemination of a culture of equal opportunities. In 2016, the committees developed actions and projects aimed at promoting welfare in the workplace. Events included a conference on “Violenza nelle relazioni di genere: la storia, le forme, il contrasto”. In February 2017, the CUG network organized a workshop focusing on “Pari dignità e sviluppo della persona. Rileggere oggi l'art. 3 della Costituzione” and a conference about “L'utilità sociale del lavoro pubblico nella crisi dello stato nazionale” on 9 February 2018.