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International acknowledgements: Ernesto Ciaramella, Full Professor at the TeCIP Institute, selected in "The Photonics100", the list of the 100 most influential personalities in the field of photonics compiled by the specialist journal Electro Optics

Publication date: 30.11.2022
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Another prestigious acknowledgement related to the field of photonics for the Sant'Anna SchoolErnesto Ciaramella, Full Professor of Telecommunications at the TeCIP (Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, and Photonics) Institute of the Sant'Anna School, has been selected in The Photonics100, the list of the 100 most influential people in the field of photonics compiled by Electro Optics magazine, for the current year.

The publication aims to celebrate the most innovative personalities in the field of photonics, those who have contributed to the evolution of the field. The selection is divided into four categories: "Photonics vendors", which includes component and system suppliers, "Original Equipment Manufacturers using photonics", which includes those who use photonics as an enabling science, "Start-ups", companies that have been active for less than 5 years, and "Academia/research", which reflects the academic world.

To the latter category belongs Ernesto Ciaramella, mentioned in "The Photonics100" due to his recent work on Optical Wireless Communications (OWC). Of particular relevance are OWC applications in space. As of 2019, Ernesto Ciaramella is in fact the coordinator of TOWS (Transmission of Optical Wireless signals on telecom Satellites), a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI), which has recently demonstrated the feasibility of OWC links within satellites. Ernesto Ciaramella's research area has also contributed to the feasibility study of OWC transmission systems between Earth and satellites and between Earth and the Moon.