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Italy-China relationships: the VII Governmental Committee at the Farnesina. The TeCIP Institute presents a bilateral project on optical communications

Publication date: 04.05.2016
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) hosts, at the Farnesina, the Italy-China Governmental Committee, which will discuss, in plenary sessions and thematic working tables, possible collaborations between the two countries in the fields of economy and commerce, finance, infrastructure and transport, environment and health, culture and education. The Italy-China Governmental Committee is scheduled for  the 5th of May.

The Assistant Professor  Giampiero Contestabile, representing the TeCIP institute of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, has been invited to participate in order to present the Italy-China bilateral project of major importance, CANTON “Integrated All-Optical High-Speed Switches” – for which he is the Scientific Leader.

In front of the governmental delegations of the two involved countries, the Assistant Professor will explain the contents and objectives of the research funded by the MAE in collaboration with the Jiao Tong University di Shanghai.

During the next three years, the project aims to develop an innovative integrated photonic device for the all-optical high-speed (superior to 100 Gb/s) switching of signals in optical fibres.  The device will be simulated, designed and produced using a foundry for integrated optical appliances and it will be based upon the optical switching system defined as "turbo-switch", and semiconductor optical amplifiers. The TeCIP Institute will then assemble the devices in an optoelectronic package, in order also to be used in real environment and systems.

After production, testing and packaging, the Chinese team, led by Professor Xuelin Yang,  will deal with the system demonstrations and transmission tests.

CANTON, which is one of the 15 selected projects among the 160 proposals submitted, aims to demonstrate the functionality of the new compact and low energy consumption device, using integrated photonics for the transmission networks in next generation ultra-fast optical fibres.