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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Italy on the front line of training to deal with conflicts around the world: until May 20th Training Course in Johannesburg for 50 civilian officials involved in peacekeeping missions in Africa

Publication date: 15.05.2016
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Italy and Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies of Pisa take on a growing role in international peacekeeping training activities thanks to the new training course which ends Friday, May 20th in Johannesburg, South Africa, promoted in collaboration with the local university, St. Augustine College, and addressed to 50 civilian officials from various African countries who intend to work in peacekeeping missions on the African continent with the United Nations or the African Union. Lessons are given by numerous African personalities and many South African scholars, who have dedicated their activities to conflicts prevention.

Andrea de Guttry, professor of international law and director of Sant’Anna School Institute Dirpolis (Law, Politics and Development), is the scientific director of the training course which opens with the truly exceptional presence announced of His Majesty Goodwill Zwelithini, King of the Zulus,  to give the opening keynote speech. His participation is considered an extraordinary event for which the press has shown a great interest in South Africa. The 12 million Zulus are considered the most important ethnic group in South Africa, extremely influential in the country's political events. The King of the Zulus is 68 years old, ascended to the throne on 17 September 1968 and has reigned without interruption ever since, along with 6 wives and 25 children.

His Majesty Goodwill Zwelithini thanked Italy and Sant’Anna School for their contribution over the years, including the training of personnel engaged in operations to consolidate peace in many African countries. The king of the Zulus also stressed the need for Africa to strengthen their regional approaches of structural prevention and conflict management, to develop an "African way” to the solution of conflict situations and, finally, has underlined the need to reinforce political dialogue between the parties, as a privileged instrument for finding durable and sustainable solutions to the troubled African continent.

Andrea de Guttry, scientific director of the course, said “the words of the King of the Zulus fill us with happiness and pride and cause us to move forward with our training activities in Africa by strengthening conflict management, prevention and policymaking capacity through human resources development, providing the officials with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve the goal”.