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  • Istituto TeCIP - Telecomunicazioni, Informatica e Fotonica

New job opportunities at the Sant'Anna School: open call for applications for one associate professor and two assistant professors’ positions for the Department of Excellence in Robotics & AI

The profiles sought and all instructions for submitting an application

Publication date: 27.07.2023
TeCIP generico
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New job opportunities at the Sant'Anna School thanks to the opening of two calls for applications, one for an associate professor and the other for assistant professors, for the needs of the Department of Excellence in Robotics & AI.

Position for one associate professor

The Sant'Anna School has announced a selection or the recruitment of one permanent position of Associate Professor for the activities of the Department of Excellence in Robotics & AI, in the Academic Class of Experimental and Applied Sciences and the Institute of Telecommunications, Informatics and Photonics (TeCIP), in the Academic Recruitment Field 09/H1 "Information Processing Systems" - Academic Discipline ING/INF-05 "Information Processing Systems".

The full call for applications is available HERE.

Applications can be submitted from August 4 to September 4, 2023, following the instructions on the dedicated page.


Two positions for assistant professors

The Sant'Anna School has published a call for applications for two fixed-term (3-year) contracts for assistant professors for the activities of the Department of Excellence in Robotics A.I., in the Academic Recruitment Field – “Telecommunications” (SC 09/F2) – Academic Discipline “Telecommunications” (SSD ING-INF/03).

The full call for applications is available HERE.

Applications can be submitted until September 5, 2023.