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Participation of the Sant'Anna School at the 15th Forum of the Borsa della Ricerca in Catania: the National Event Connecting University Research, Startups, and Investors

Publication date: 24.10.2024
Borsa della Ricerca 2024
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The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in collaboration with JoTTO participated in the XV Forum della Borsa della Ricerca held in Catania from October 21 to 23, 2024. The event, promoted by Fondazione Emblema, was co-organized for this edition with the University of Catania and the Sicily Region.

The Forum serves as an annual national meeting point for the research sxchange, aims to facilitate connections between academia (including research groups, departments, and spin-offs), start-ups, companies, incubators, and investors. Since 2023, the event has focused on research initiatives funded by the NRRP.

The one-to-one meetings are the primary feature of the Forum, enabling networking among participants. In addition, spin-offs and start-ups can present their business ideas through pitch sessions, offering them valuable opportunity to meet companies and investors.

JoTTO was represented at the Forum by 7 entities, including research groups and spin-offs: the mathLab- innovating with mathematics for the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) of Trieste; NEST Nanotechnologies, NEST Nanomedicine labs, and the spin-off INTA Systems Srl, all part of the Scuola Normale Superiore; and the spin-offs ABZero Srl, AIVESP Srl, and Smartotum Srl from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.