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Publication date: 27.01.2022
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The various topics covered by the 6 Seasonal Schools that will take place on the first months of 2022 include anticorruption in public-private systems, sustainability, climate change, management of innovation and common good, the analysis of postharvest technologies, the constant evolutions in political representation and the ongoing challenges of the African continent. 

Subscriptions are already open or will shortly be available on the School’s website, where you can also consult the detailed and updated agenda for each Seasonal School:  Cibo, Sostenibilità e Diritti  (on site classes from February 7th to 11th);  TRUST – Transparency, Integrity and Anticorruption in a Public-private System  (online classes from June 6th - 10th);  ECLIRE - The Ethics of Climate Change: Reshaping Responsibilities for Present and Future Generations (on site classes from February 21st to 25th);  Management of Innovation and Common Good (on site classes from February 28th to March 4th); African Perspectives: Change, Conflicts, Connections (on site classes from March 7th to 11th); Advancements in Postharvest Technologies to Reduce Losses and Improve Nutritional and Functional Properties of Fruits and Vegetables (online classes from March 10th to 18th); INSIDER - Innovazioni nel Sistema della Rappresentanza (online classes from March 21st to 25th). 

A reduction in the enrolment fee is available based on the applicant’s ISEE or equivalent certification of income as indicated in the call (for students enrolled in a foreign University). A 450€ scholarship provided by Fondazione Talento all’Opera and Fondazione EY will be assigned to the three best performing participants of each course. Students coming from universities or institutions with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs. Affiliated Institutions: Università di Catania; Università della Tuscia; Università di Trento; Fondazione Onaosi; Università di Messina; Università di Macerata; Università di Camerino; Università della Calabria; Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito; Università di Palermo; Università della Valle D'Aosta; Libera Università di Bolzano; Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università di Siena

Applications for the Seasonal School CIBO, SOSTENIBILITÁ E DIRITTI. Classes will take place in presence from February 7th  to 11th2022

The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the topic of food sustainability, exploring how to build sustainable and climate-resilient agri-food systems through a dialogue between social and life sciences. Regulatory and non-regulatory measures for socially inclusive and environmentally more efficient food systems will be addressed. The policy and legal implications of the transformative approach recently taken by the EU with the European Green Deal and the shift towards more sustainable solutions in a Farm to Fork perspective will be thoroughly analysed during the Seasonal School. Topics such as food security and the right to food, food safety, international trade, digital innovation and blockchain will be at a centre stage. Moreover, issues linked to farming and consumption models will be taken into consideration through seminars given by scholars from the life science Institute. 

Applications for the Seasonal School TRUST – TRANSPARENCY, INTEGRITY AND ANTICORRUPTION IN A PUBLIC-PRIVATE SYSTEM  will be open until January 28th, 2022 and classes will take place online from February 14th  to 18th,  2022

The Seasonal School TRUST aims to provide participants with a holistic understanding of corruption. Corruption has increasingly taken on the characteristics of a systemic crime involving both public and private sectors, economy, democracy and civil society. Understanding the multidisciplinary and multidimensional nature of corruption will allow participants to acquire the necessary skills for a comprehensive analysis based on the synergy between the public and private sectors. Participants will experience the crucial cross-fertilization between public and private entities in the broad perspective of the importance of the trade-off between performance, efficiency and integrity both in public institutions and private corporations. At the end of the Seasonal School participants will be skilled to approach corruption from prevention to repression actions, from legal to ethical and economical questions in line with the current best practice adopted at a European and international level. 

Applications for the Seasonal School ECLIRE - THE ETHICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: RESHAPING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS will be open until  February 3rd, 2022 and classes will take place online from February 21st  to 25th  2022

The Seasonal School aims to train participants on the ethics of climate change through a triple perspective: individual, global and intergenerational. It will also do so by opening up to disciplines beyond political and moral philosophy, such as political science, metaphysics, sociology and economics. The overall objective is to provide participants with the normative keys to analyse climate mitigation policies in the light of criteria such as historical responsibility, global asymmetries of economic power and adaptive capacity, and duties of justice towards future generations. The issue of social acceptability and socio-economic consequences will also be taken into account through the contribution of sociologists and social scientists. This will be preceded by an opening day with hard scientists dedicated to the introduction to climate change and the discussion of possible future risk scenarios. The Seasonal School includes interactive face-to-face lectures led by pairs of lecturers, climate policy-making simulations and interdisciplinary workshops. 

Applications for the Seasonal School MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND COMMON GOODwill be open until January 31th, 2022 and classes will take place online from February 28th  to March 4th, 2022

This Seasonal School addresses some of the main issues regarding innovation management and knowledge exchange (including technology transfer) with a broad vision which includes sustainability and health management. The specific approach of this Seasonal School focuses on the goal of contributing to the common good and aims at arousing the interest of participants from different scientific disciplines and focuses on the goal of contributing to the common good (at the level of universities, companies, territories). The theories and tools for managing innovation will be presented and discussed not with the objective of creating competitive advantage, but as a support to the ability to launch new initiatives of various kinds aimed at creating value for the society, especially in coherence with the need to rethink the current capitalism system. In this regard, some paradigms that are today at the centre of the debate on the transformation of the economy which is urgently needed will be presented, such as those of the creation of shared value, integral ecology and civil economy. 

Applications for the Seasonal School African Perspectives: Change, Conflicts, Connections will be open until February 10th, 2022 and classes will take place in presence from March 7th to 11th, 2022.  

While Africa is attracting increasing political attention by global actors (including Italy and Europe), simplistic interpretations and stereotypical representations remain prevalent. This Seasonal School therefore intends to provide participants with advanced tools for a critical understanding of key political dynamics, which, starting from the African continent, offers a prism for interpreting issues of international relevance, including migration, conflicts and emancipation, violent extremism, and extractivism. 

Building on a multidisciplinary approach, the Seasonal School intends to offer its participants a wide range of analytical tools, drawing from political sciences, international relations, political economy, communication, conflict studies, ecology and area studies.  

Applications for the Seasonal School Advancements in Postharvest Technologies to Reduce Losses and Improve Nutritional and Functional Properties of Fruits and Vegetables will be open until February 14th, 2022 and classes will take place online from March 10th to 18th, 2022.  

The United Nations and FAO have declared 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (F&V).  The Year aims, in particular, to direct attention to reducing loss and waste of these highly perishable produce items and to raise awareness of the nutritional and health benefits of consuming more F&V. These two goals can be achieved through concerted actions in the different steps of F&V value chain: production and distribution, produce environments (e.g. proximity, affordability), and consumer behavior, including eating habits. In this context postharvest strategies and handling protocols play key roles. 

Main issues addressed by the Seasonal School are related to higher availability of F&V,  reduction of postharvest losses, global quality assurance, including nutritional and functional attributes, and increased convenience to stimulate opportunities of consumption; this will imply improved knowledge of biological and physiological processes of ripening, senescence and host/pathogen interaction, of most advanced innovations in quality evaluation techniques, in minimal-processing, in active and smart packaging, and in state-of-the-art storage technology and its effects on extrinsic and intrinsic properties of the products. 

Applications for the Seasonal School INSIDER - Innovazioni nel Sistema della Rappresentanza will be open until February 14th, 2022 and classes will take place online from March 21st to 25th, 2022.  

The seasonal school offers a selective study program open to motivated undergraduate and PhD students, giving them the opportunity to obtain a specific training on the main current issues concerning political representation, electoral and parliamentary law in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective that includes law, political science, political philosophy, economy as well as the contribution of other fields (e.g., ICTs). It is a kind of training that no ordinary university course is able to provide, in particular due to the presence of speakers with different background and expertise. The students will therefore acquire skills that will allow them to critically consider from different points of view the various paradigm changes in political representation. The course will be conducted by lecturers of different backgrounds, thus enabling participants to look at the subject matter from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course will be articulated in lectures, working groups, case studies as well as meetings with experts. Unless otherwise indicated, the lessons will be held in Italian. An advanced knowledge of the Italian language is therefore required. 

The Sant’Anna School reserves the possibility of activating the Seasonal Schools online in consideration of the progress of the health emergency during the period of the courses.