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Support4Resilience to transform elderly care through leadership empowerment: with a budget of €6 the European Union, seeks to tackle the critical shortage of healthcare personnel that much of Europe are currently facing

Publication date: 29.08.2024
Project S4R Group
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The Horizon Europe Support4Resilience (S4R) research project, which started on 1 March 2024, aims at empowering leaders within the healthcare sector to effectively recruit and retain healthcare personnel in elderly care. This 4-year project, funded with a budget of €6 the European Union, seeks to tackle the critical shortage of healthcare personnel that much of Europe are currently facing. As the number of seniors over 70 in Europe is expected to more than double by 2050, the demand for a robust and well-functioning health service is more pressing than ever.

There is a mismatch with the capacity and demands in European elderly care. This results in high workloads, increasing stress levels, and burnout, not only affecting healthcare workers but also the next of kin of those in care. These factors collectively undermine the quality of healthcare services provided to the population, highlighting the urgent need for effective strategies to retain skilled personnel.

Recognizing the pivotal role of leadership in creating positive and supportive working environments, the Support4Resilience project is set to develop a toolbox of research-based measures. These resources are designed to assist leaders in enhancing working conditions and offering training and development opportunities. Such initiatives are crucial for attracting and retaining qualified healthcare personnel, ultimately ensuring the delivery of high-quality health services to patients and their families.

The project underscores the commitment of European governments to supporting healthcare leaders. By equipping these leaders with the necessary tools and regulatory frameworks, the initiative aims to foster environments where quality care and positive workplace cultures thrive. This approach not only benefits healthcare professionals and their patients but also addresses the broader societal challenge of ensuring sustainable and effective healthcare services for the growing senior population.

The S4R consortium comprises 14 partners from 9 countries. The University of Stavanger (Norway), with Prof. Siri Wiig as the principal investigator, leads the project. Partners include European Forum for Primary Care (Netherlands), Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), International Society for Quality in Health Care CLG (Ireland), University of Eastern Finland (Finland), Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), Jaume I University-Businness Foundation (Spain), Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Casa Cardinale Maffi Foundation (Italy), University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) and associated partner, the Australian Institute of Health Innovation of the Macquarie University (Australia).  

With the Support4Resilience project, the University of Stavanger and its EU partners take a significant step forward in addressing one of the most pressing challenges in healthcare today. The project's outcomes are expected to have a profound impact on the way healthcare services are delivered, setting a new standard for leadership, retention, and care quality in Europe.

The website for more information:

S4R Logo

*Project funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health & Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Cover photo: representatives from the project partners