Full Professor
BioRobotics Institute
Nicola Vitiello
Nicola Vitiello is Associate Professor with The BioRobotics Institute (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, SSSA, Pisa, Italy) where he leads the Wearable Robotics Laboratory. He is co-author of more than 80 ISI/Scopus papers and co-inventor of more than 20 patents/patent applications. He served as the Scientific Secretary of the EU FP7 CA-RoboCom project, and he was the scientific coordinator of the EU FP7 CYBERLEGs project. Currently he is the scientific coordinator of the H2020-ICT-CYBERLEGs Plus Plus project, the national project MOTU funded by INAIL and is partner of the H2020-ICT-REHYB and H2020-ICT-CONBOTS projects. He is co-founder, director and advisor of IUVO Srl, a spin-off company of SSSA.
Owner of the courses:
- Module “Exoskeletons” within the course named “Wearable robotics” (60 hours) for students of the MSc programme in Bionics Engineering, a dual degree by Università di Pisa and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (6 CFU) – since 2019, Dr. Simona Crea is co-owner of the course and responsible for 20 hours of teaching;
- “Graphical Programming for measurement, test and control systems in wearable robotics” (30 hours), for students of the PhD programma in BioRobotics of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (3 CFU);
- “Sensors and Actuators” (30 hours), for Alumni of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (3 CFU).
- April 8, 2020 – Le Innovation Stories di Industrie 4.0: Gellify e lo straordinario legame Comau-Iuvo, Industrie Quattropuntozero: https://www.industriequattropuntozero.it/2020/03/25/le-innovation-stories-di-industrie-4-0-gellify-e-lo-straordinario-legame-comau-iuvo/
- May 17, 2019 – <<Vecchi sarete voi>> Lo scheletro robot del Sant’Anna cancella la terza età, Il Tirreno: https://iltirreno.gelocal.it/regione/toscana/2019/05/17/news/vecchi-sarete-voi-lo-scheletro-robot-del-sant-anna-cancella-la-terza-eta-1.32644607
- March 20, 2019 – Blog post on the EU Commission web site “The CYBERLEGs Plus Plus project: robotics making life easier for amputees”: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/blogposts/cyberlegs-plus-plus-project-robotics-making-life-easier-amputees
- March 18, 2019 – Video about the H2020 CYBERLEGs Plus Plus project, Euronews:
- July 26, 2018 – Pc, telecamere e robot ai piedi. Napoli nel futuro - Il professor Vitiello, ingegnere di BioRobotica ha condotto test innovativi a Dimaro, La Gazzetta dello Sport: https://www.gazzetta.it/Calcio/Serie-A/Napoli/26-07-2018/pc-telecamere-robot-napoli-dimaro-diawara-vitiello-280919747488.shtml
- November 21-22, 2017 – Interview, SmartCity, Radio 24:
- December 14, 2015 – Interview, Petrolio, RAI1: http://www.santannapisa.it/it/multimedia/rai-1-sfide-della-robotica-indossabile
- December 17, 2014 – Tornare a camminare con le protesi robot, Avvenire: http://www.avvenire.it/ScienzaeTecnologia/Pagine/tornare-a-camminare-con-le-protesi-robot.aspx
- December 16, 2014 – Cyberlegs, inizia la sperimentazione. E si cercano volontari, La Nazione: http://www.lanazione.it/pisa/sant-anna-cyberlegs-1.496781
- April 24, 2014 – CYBERLEGs, Vice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKLz7PAtSfk