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Agroecological Crop Management and Crop Protection

  • selection of cover crops for weed management and soil fertility
  • functional biodiversity for crop pollination
  • field margin management for ecosystem service provisioning

Evaluation of cropping system sustainability

  • Indicator development for sustainable cropping systems
  • Product: DEXi-BIOrt, a tool for agro-environmental evaluation of organic horticultural farms (in Italian):






La gestione agroecologica dei sistemi produttivi: un modello per la salute del nostro pianeta, dell’uomo e della società

La lezione, della durata di 30 minuti, ha come obiettivo di spiegare che cos’è l’approccio agroecologico in agricoltura e quali sono le caratteristiche di ‘prodotti agroecologici’ per poter dimostrare come la gestione agroecologica dei sistemi produttivi contribuisce al rispetto per l’ambiente, per gli esseri viventi e di conseguenza come contribuisce a promuovere la salute del Pianeta, dell’uomo e della nostra società. La presentazione conclude con proposte di azioni che possiamo mettere in atto tutti per contribuire a un consumo responsabile che possa risultare in effetti positivi sull’ambiente, sull’uomo e sulla società.

Il pdf allegato contiene indicazioni utili per i docenti, con l'intento di stimolare la riflessione in classe. /sites/default/files/u893/giornata_della_solidarieta_moonen_attivita_da_fare_in_classe.pdf



4° webinar, 5 novembre: Sezione “Difesa dalle piante infestanti”

28 February 2022: Webinar Horta srl: Il valore delle colture di copertura nell'agricoltura sostenibile.  





I contributed to special episode 7 of the Podcast series 'Prophets, Wizards & The Quest to Value Nature'

Podcast website: 

Episode 7:

This podcast is supported by the H2020 project FRAMEWORK


The Agroecology Group has prepared a number of interesting videos showing innovative agroecological applications for sustainable production systems to substitute the farmers-field days during covid emergence (English subtitles are available):


The Group of Agroecology has strongly supported the signature of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of the Memorandum of Understaning 'Towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture' on 23rd February 2020 in Paris, France:



The Agroecology Group presented a nice selection of research themes for children and adults at Bright2018

  • Wild pollinator collection of Dr. Simone Marini. Observing pollen on small bees was quite a surpice to most visitors.
  • Thinking about how wild-fires affect the pollinator community in the Pistoia Valley, as part of a project funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia. This theme was unfortunately too relevant, after the wildfire destroying the Pisa Mountains only few days before.
  • Selecting legume cover crops for relay intercropping with durum wheat to suppress weeds and cover the soil after harvest in July. This PhD project by Federico Leoni is part of the H2020 project IWMPRAISE (Integrated Weed Management: PRActical Implementation and Solutions for Europe) (
  • Presentation of the SoilApp, an app for famers to share their observations on soil health and inform decision-making on soil fertility. This App was developed during the H2020 project CAPSELLA project (Collective Awareness PlatformS for Environmentally-sound Land management based on data technoLogies and Agrobiodiversity) ( Access it here for free: under SPADE TEST function