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Alberto Pirni is Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy at the "Law, Politics and Development Institute" of the Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies, where he teaches "Public Ethics", "Ethics of Care Relationship", "Ethics of Security", and "Intergenerational Justice". He is Vice-President of the Joint Ethical Committee between Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and Scuola Normale Superiore and member of the Steering Committee of the Master Programm in "International Security Studies".   

He teaches also Public Ethics as Adjunct Professor at the "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" (Milan). He spent research periods by the Universities of Tübingen and Freiburg i.Br. (Germany).

Visiting Professorships include the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Universität Vechta (Germany), the Saint Petersburg State University (Russian Federation), the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Brazil), Universidad Nacional de Rosario and Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentine).

Main research fields involve: Kant and Classical German philosophy; contemporary political and social philosophy; public ethics; ethics of technology; ethics and economics; theories of justice.

Since its foundation (1998) he is the coordinator of the Acqui Terme Summer School in Philosophy (Alessandria, Italy) in partnership with the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies. He is member of the Advisory Board of the PhD Programme in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability at the Sant’Anna School. He is also member of the Management Committee of the Master’s Degree in International Security Studies promoted by the DIRPOLIS Institute of the Sant’Anna School and the School of International Studies of the University of Trento.

He is the author of four monographs, two collaborative volumes, and over one hundred essays in volumes and refereed national and international journals. He is also the editor and co-editor of eighteen volumes and monographic issues of journals. He has translated essays and academic works from English and German into Italian. The complete list of his publications is available here:

Among his publications: “Il regno dei fini in Kant. Morale, religione e politica in collegamento sistematico”, Genova 2000; “Kant filosofo della comunità”, Pisa 2006; (with B. Henry) La via identitaria al multiculturalismo. Charles Taylor e oltre, Soveria Mannelli (CS), Rubbettino 2006, Filosofia pratica e sfera pubblica. Percorsi a confronto, Reggio Emilia, 2005; (ed. by, with B.-J. Koops), Ethical and Legal Aspects of Enhancing Human Capabilities Through Robotics, «Law, Innovation and Technology», 5 (2013), n. 2, Special Issue; (ed by, with A. Carnevale) Robotics and Public Issues: a Philosophical Agenda in Progress, «Cosmopolis», IX (2013), n. 2, available at:; (ed by, with A. Carnevale) Investigating the Relationship between Future Technologies, Self and Society, «Politica & Società», III, n.s., 2014, n. 2. (ed. by), “Kant y las declinaciones de la armonia”, «Con-Textos Kantianos», n. 2, 2015.

Research Interests:
Citizenship, Civil Society, Democracy, Public Ethics, Identity, Political Theory, Social Justice

Additional Research Interests:
Ethics and Public Affairs - Identity, Otherness and Recognition in the Multicultural debate; Political Theory; Globalization and processes of transnational governance; theories of justice.