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security, energy and transport: sant’anna school “new horizons for engineering” seminar series on cyber physical systems will be held on november 23

Publication date: 22.11.2018
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Sant’Anna School is pleased to announce the launch of a new Horizons in Engineering seminar series on cyber physical systems combining information technologies and physical components. The event will be held on 23 November 2018 at 3.00 pm (room aula magna) to discuss advanced data analysis techniques for autonomous question-asking systems that explore specific data to implement inquiry calculus, logic synthesis and probability theory methods.

Cyber-physics applications need improved cyber physical security across manufacturing systems, healthcare, Industry 4.0, transportation, and transmission/distribution wireless network covering cars, airplanes, robots, smart grids, smart cities and smart factories.

Design, modeling, analysis, control and monitoring of cyber physical systems performance will be investigated together with the protection of the future electricity grid, consumption, as well as generation and energy storage. A protection architecture that allows predictive, adaptive and corrective actions is widely acknowledged while complexity, methods for contingency analysis, modeling for resilience, uncertainties and implementation of resilience strategies are identified as research challenges.

Carlo Alberto Avizzano, researcher at the TeCIP (Communication, Information and Perception Technologies) Institute, organized the seminar. Luigi Nuzzo, Assistant Professor from the University of Southern California (USC) - Los Angeles, has been invited as the keynote speaker.