Sustainable management: Sant’Anna school and Regione Liguria add value to partnership project Interreg ENHANCE focusing on green public procurement and emas system

Focusing on the “Green Public Procurement” and long-term environmental and social impacts of the Interreg ENHANCE partnership, in 2019, the Sant’Anna School Institute of Management SuM team for Sustainable Management and the Liguria Ricerche spa company of Regione Liguria have made a valuable contribution towards the EMAS system. The Interreg ENHANCE is a three-year project running from 2017 to 2020 (completion is expected on 31 December 2020) accomplishing the sustainable procurement objectives of the Liguria regional community.
The partnership between Sant’Anna School and Regione Liguria is ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and EMAS scheme to build greater awareness of sustainability programs within the region. On 1 February 2019, measuring the effectiveness of the sustainable initiatives performed in 2018, the Regione Liguria authority has reported an increase in informed decision-making while highlighting challenging aspects the partners can address to further strengthen the ENHANCE project goals.
Setting sustainability performance goals that are strategic to the “Green Public Procurement” and the Circular Economy, the partners of the ENHANCE project, including Spain and Estonia, have focused on the best practices followed during the implementation of the EMAS and ISO 14001 systems combined with the EU Ecolabel scheme (the Ecolabel is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle). Although the Ecolabel measures have been in place for many years, the ENHANCE project guidelines presented at the Ecomondo event in Rimini are published to align criteria for relevant public institutions at the regional level with the EU certification schemes’ environmental requirements.
In 2020 the ENHANCE project partners will work to promote a more sustainable and inclusive economy in cooperation with the public and the private sector. Creating and designing sustainability-training initiatives for public institutions managers, they facilitate decision-making that drive solutions and generate value over the long term.