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Publication date: 30.03.2020
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In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Italy is committed to making sure the community has the most effective technology tools to mitigate the spread of the disease. The Competence Centre ARTES 4.0 will support the coordination of research initiatives and innovation projects which have the potential to tackle the health, social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak.  The Italian ARTES 4.0 Competence Center (Advanced Robotics and enabling digital Technologies & Systems 4.0) emphasizes the role of technology 4.0 in deploying innovative solutions for a rapid development of products and services that can help the country fight the pandemic.  

The ARTES 4.0 Call for Proposals is open until Sunday, 19 April 2020. This ARTES 4.0 funding opportunity will support projects in any area relevant to Advanced Robotics, Medical Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual Reality, and Enabling Technologies. A wide range of financial instruments and awards up to 100,000 euros are available for each project.  Local authorities  (Regione Siciliana/Assessorato Attività Produttive) will provide additional funding, equipment and networks for product development and rapid prototyping (by partner STMicroelectronics).   

Proposals and projects are expected to make a significant contribution to respond to the COVID-19 health emergency. By strengthening national research capacity, companies should focus on   diagnostic techniques, sanitation and disinfection, therapeutics, prevention and control of infection tools and resources for clinicians.

Sant’Anna School Professor Massimo Bergamasco, as the President of ARTES 4.0, said: “The Covid-19 scenario is evolving very quickly. We need to respond appropriately to these unprecedented challenges, and emerging technologies are essential for a mitigation approach. The impact of the emergency on Italy’s health and care system can be mediated by the application of automated technologies. Robotics can play an important role in responding to the spread of the virus. The Ministry of Economic Development recognizes that the current situation present additional challenges to our Competence Centre. It is our responsibility to ensure scientific excellence and the highest quality performance.”

Sant’Anna School Professor Paolo Dario, as the scientific coordinator of ARTES 4.0, said: “ARTES and our 127 partners can support Italy’s response efforts to the outbreak of the virus. We have partnered with talented experts and innovation managers to strengthen the cooperation between science and industry and foster economic growth. We can now play a crucial role in leading to a revival in the economy. Hopefully, crisis will play a significant role as a catalyst of economic growth, we can use it as a driver of manufacturing industry dynamics.”

Nunzio Abbate, member of STMicroelectronics executive board and the Vice-president of ARTES 4.0, said“A more cooperative effort is needed to overcome this crisis. STMicroelectronics, as an organization partner of ARTES 4.0, will support the companies to develop their ideas through product design and prototyping process”. 

 Click here to view the ARTES 4.0 special call