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A STORY OF TALENT. Sant’Anna School alumnus accepted to world-renowned Harvard Law School. Andrea Vignini stands out among a group of remarkable students: “Young people will get through this crisis and contribute to the post-coronavirus future.”

Publication date: 06.05.2020
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He will attend the Harvard Law School, one of the most selective law school in the world. Former Sant’Anna School law student Andrea Vignini, 27 years old from Siena, is one of three Italian students to be accepted to the Harvard Law School. This year, 180 top graduates from 70 countries were admitted to the Law School which attracts applicants from a variety of academic backgrounds. The Law School program provides students who already have excellent legal training and experience—or those who have served as practicing lawyers, judges, diplomats, community leaders— an expanded understanding of law and legal theory. Vignini, who graduated in EU Administrative Law in 2018, will expand his legal studies by pursuing economic law.

Upon graduation, he worked at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (prime minister Paolo Gentiloni), before moving to the Banca d’Italia. His current research is on the EU and national policy of financial crisis management.  

“Studying at Harvard is a wonderful opportunity. It would have been possible without the support of Sant’Anna School and the University of Pisa faculty members who encouraged me to accomplish my goals. They showed me that there were no limits in my career, also as a potential student of Harvard Law School; a top institution that motivates and inspires the world’s outstanding youth to become future leaders of their community in the same way that Sant ’Anna School does”, said Andrea Vignini.

“Responding to the current COVID-19 situation, requires global cooperation among international organizations and the higher education community.  Italian universities have provided high quality education and support to student communities in a safe and proactive manner. Our unstable situation has exposed vulnerable citizens, but we all need social safety to ensure mutual aid and    higher levels of well-being”, he added.

“We have a chance to contribute to our future. It is the impulse to help all, European and Italian citizens in times of need – said Andrea Vignini – Young people and my generation can be the best resource in times of trouble: we can play a leading role in mitigating the crisis and supporting the rebirth of our country after the Coronavirus.”